Board Meeting Minutes
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers & Advisers
Board Meeting Minutes — January 14, 2018
Petersburg, VA
Members Present: Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Emilee Hussak, Kristin Barnett, Dan Reinish, Charlotte Shiflett, Brett Hastie, Valerie Kibler, Lindsay Benedict, Roger Soenksen, Chris Waugaman, Carol Lange (Google Hangout) & Linda Mercer (Google Hangout)
Call to Order: (Meghan Percival) 8:20 AM
Chris moved to accept the minutes, Erinn seconded; all in favor – motion passed
New Voices Initiative: (Valerie Kibler)
- Introductions: Val introduced initiative and what has been done so far
- Val introduced Frank Lomonte
- Frank Lomonte explained the process and how to get everyone on board. Frank has said that the timeline for starting the discussion is spring 2018 – then to continue the process so that legislation can be introduced in January 2019.
-Frank said that we need to find stories and examples of censorship problems.
-Legislators do not want to waste time finding examples.
-Find examples of why we need this law.
-Students need to surface and tell those stories.
- Frank gave example of a Nebraska teacher’s approach of gathering topics that students do not cover due to fear of censorship.
- Gather stories now so that we establish why we need this law now.
- Also committee members need to become familiar with the law. We do not want to misrepresent the law. Need to know what the bills don’t do as well.
- Thoughts from Frank as far as why this could be successful with legislators:
- Civic participation and whistle-blowing are generally not frowned upon.
- Not only is censorship wrong but it is also futile.
- What is our first step? Roger Soenksen raised the question and suggested the following along with Carol::
- Carol Lange, Roger, Frank – draft an official bill started (talking points)
- On our webpage we need to establish a new voices section – and a list of supporters
- Val added that she has two journalists who would be able to speak when it comes time to present.
- If we could get school boards to agree to voice opposition to killing the bill when the time comes that would be helpful. Suggestion made to find which school boards in VA have student members.
- Roger suggested that… talking points should be brought together by Roger, Frank, and Carol.
- Roger thinks that we also need a template for collecting examples & we need to collect from other states the stories of success with the states who have passed legislation.
- We already have several groups that are endorsing us. SPJ, ABA, English Teachers, etc.
- Val reinforved that it is really important that we are careful as we spread the message.
- Val and Carol discussed the opportunities at JCamp this summer to collect input from students. JCamp is from July 15th to July 19th.
- Frank said that these bills do protect college students and advisers. The only people it does not apply to are private schools.
- Val believes that we can make a list of potential contacts at universities and professional organizations.
- Val also wants us to consider the principal’s association.
- Suggestion – from a conservative standpoint address the issue of college campus speakers.
Treasurer’s Report: (Erinn Harris)
- $18,000 current balance
- Does not include Kelly’s payment for jRetreat
- We give away $1,800 for scholarships – Erinn encourages people to apply
- We still have $4,000 after we subtract Maryland
- Membership numbers
Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram Report: (Dan Reinish)
- Dan has reorganized the menu to bring more of the focus on news items vs events and awards
- Val mentions that we should have the info from jCamp that the students have produced from previous jCamps
- Chris and Erinn gave an update and suggestions about social media content – get students to retweet etc.
jRetreat Update: (Meghan)
- Anything more to do to get more people involved or refine program while everything is fresh in our minds
- Erinn mention future topics and what advisers might want to learn about
- Val wants writing and editing
- Val liked the ability to go around to businesses to report
- Erinn wants writing more specifically focused like in the area of sports only because of coverage can be found for sports in yearbooks, newspapers, broadcast, etc.
- Val – suggests Bobby Hawthorne – motion by Val and second by Erinn
- Ammo has worked out very well as a location – members feel like that is a suitable place for future jRetreats
- Trying to get prices down but everything is getting higher at JMU
- Still working with middle schools and it is open to middle school students
- Meghan wants to see how we can create a specific brochure for middle school kids
- Lindsay wants to make sure that we do not promote in a way that scares off high school students
- Cost is $475 to stay on campus right now – then $525 after the early bird deadline
Other New Business
- Scholastic Journalism Week – Feb 19-23
- Promote applying for the JOY of the year – due Friday, February 16th
- VHSL Savadge awards due March 1st – find it under scholarship (click on Resources)
- It would be a good time to reconnect with VHSL for New Voices
- Meghan would like to move that Kristen be nominated as Associate Director
- Erinn second – all in favor
- Meeting in May we need a new secretary
- May 5th in person at VHSL
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers
Board Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2017
10 a.m. – Albermale High School
Present – Linda, Carol, Eric, Emily, MKD, Val, Erinn, Charlotte, Meghan, Kristin
Call to Order: 10:06 Meghan Percival
- Welcome and New Board Member Approval: Kristin Untiedt-Barnett (Marion Senior High School –Yearbook) – Val Kibler
- Approval of new board members: Eric Slao & Kristin Untiedt-Barnett
- Move Meghan second – Erinn – approved unanimous
- Board Membership Status: – Erinn
– meeting attendance
– paying dues
- NEW BOARD OFFICERS NOMINATION – Erinn – going out to general membership today / closing Friday at2 p.m.
Preparing slate:
Executive Director: Meghan Percival
Associate Director: Val Kibler
Treasurer: Erinn Harris
Secretary: Liz Staley
- Treasurer’s Report provided in advance via email by Erinn Harris
Meghan will speak to Melanie Pincus about depositing check
-DC & MD status – in meantime we will continue to keep separate ledgers and support their professional development efforts
– lifetime membership starting August 2017 – $100 – put on materials
- JEA Report provided by Erinn Harris
– new Executive Director, Kelly Glasscock (August 1)
- Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/ Email Newsletter Report provided by Erinn Harris
- VHSL Report provided by Meghan Percival
– VHSL Meeting: May 10 – 2 p.m. – Val, Meghan & MKD
– Critiques due June 15
- JCAMP Report provided by Val Kibler
61 registrations (13 non-Harrisonburg and middle school people)
Ideas for increasing membership – how do we sell?
Aware is the issue?
JEA Affiliate
JCamp (reduced cost)
JRetreat (reduced cost – bring more than one adviser, reduced cost)
VAJTA website
Network of people who are resources — Experienced adviser – contact
Adviser scholarship
You can all use help – here’s how we can help
***your school will pay – professional development
Broaden the scope – multimedia production, etc., AP Lang, television production
What does VAJTA / JEA membership offer you?
If you can’t get to a national convention…. Come to the state
Journalist of the year
Adviser awards
Initial phone calls:
Tell me your situation – start with that instead of trying to sell them something….
What are your goals?
Do you know what’s out there?
Then – we could Google Chat and share phone call
This isn’t necessarily a membership drive, once they see the value they’ll join
How do we get on the curriculum development people?
Move ahead in designating an appropriate acronym who choose to purse acknowledgement for their involvement from VAJTA
MKD move – Meghan second all in favor
Wordsmith via Goggle Doc
A list of pathways
– Adviser award for JOY advisers
Please name who mentored you — Formal letter to principal of winners / notify local media
Meghan / Erinn approved / All approved
– Workshop sessions for JOY candidates at VHSL?
Meghan move / Erinn second / all approved
-Developing your portfolio starts early – nominate an emerging leader
Revisit in August
One location? JCamp (same day as middle school)
Specific programing offered?
Who could run?
What’s the designation?
Write-offs at VHSL – state-wide winners
Each board member approach three advisers in their region in the fall
Charlotte / Erinn – approved
Charlotte is making the folders
What can VAJTA do to support VHSL’s regional workshops?
Running write-offs
Offering speaker / programming – (esp. Savedge / JOY)
Other support?
Offer to help judge round 2 of Multimedia
Other speakers/ programming
Professional development
What can they do to support us?
Network to principals and more advisers
Contact info
Helping get out info about programming
JCamp marketing
RULES Clinic – share the professional development
Meeting with SPAC?
Lisa’s participation in our quarterly meetings – attendance (even digitally?)
12:31 adjourned
Board Meeting Minutes: April 3, 2017
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers
Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting: April 3, 2017
7 p.m. – Online Meeting via Google Hangout
Members Present: Meghan Percival, Chris Waugaman, Erinn Harris, Val Kibler, Mary Kay
Downes, Carol Lange, Judy Davis, Emily Hussack, Liz Staley
Treasurer’s Report provided by Erinn Harris
- Our current balance is $22,026.85 in the checking account with an additional $11,395.77 in
the Edward Jones account. A slight decrease in both. - Separate from these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the
2014 national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive
$5,972.16. - Erinn spoke to Val who spoke to Jessica Nassau, who is the new Maryland director, and they
are in the process of setting up their checking account so they can receive their funds - Erinn will be contacting the new JEA Director about what our next steps are if the DC group
doesn’t create an account to receive these funds - Motion to approve — Chris
- Seconded by Judy
Membership Update
- Liz – opportunity to do the separate appeal to Loudon for VAJTA only (Loudon County
teachers all got JEA memberships paid through the county - We brainstormed talking points for the advantages of a VAJTA membership (the Adviser’s
Retreat, the available scholarship for the JEA Adviser’s Institute) - Meghan recommended updating the membership flyer to include more actionable and specific
reasons for joining as listed above
JEA Report provided by Erinn Harris – Virginia state director
- JOY Winners
- 1st – Melanie Pincus, McLean HS – $1000
- 2nd – Teagan Foti, Annandale HS $500
- 3rd – Nina Ranses, West Potomac $300
- Plaques have arrived and checks and awards will be delivered soon. We had discussed one of
the board members close by could possibly go recognize the winner during their spring
- Erinn suggested setting up some regional “How-To” sessions on the application process for
Journalist of the Year so students can work on creating their portfolios early and get feedback in
prep for the February submission deadline; the process is lengthy and requires students to start
creating those early in the year. Meghan suggested making it an Editor’s Institute by invitation
so that students feel honored to be included and can put it on their resume. - Val suggested rolling that info session into the proposed new model for the VHSL Fall
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Erinn Harris
- 267 “likes” on Facebook page
- New material is up on the JOY awards
- 250 Twitter followers, still have a good ratio
- Our online activity has slowed over the winter, but Chris and others plan to keep it active
during the Spring JEA Convention in Seattle - Instagram is slowly growing; Meghan suggested having each staff submit a post on what
they’re up to at school or in their class to showcase what stories they’re working on currently;
Erinn suggested having entries emailed ([email protected]) and then a board member
would upload them weekly; Chris volunteered to start this project in the coming weeks - Erinn reported that the MailChimp newsletter is going well; only 2 or 3 people have
unsubscribed; she has been sending them out every 2 weeks or so; board members should
email her any info they want to include in future newsletters
JRetreat wrap-up
- Chris is working on a wrap-up of the event with pics and will put them up on the website as
well as the social media accounts - Kelly Furnas has been invited to come to jRetreat 2018 and do a broadcast session
- The folks at AMMO invited us back for next year to use their space again; Chris is going to ask
about their availability for Martin Luther King weekend 2018
VHSL Report
- Meghan & MKD will look into setting up a face to face meeting with VHSL – ASAP
- Chris mentioned that it looked like there were around 100 entries for the recent film festival,
the deadline was April 1; they posted info on their social media - The dates for the Road Show have been posted for October 2018 (Oct. 9, Oct. 11, Oct. 13)
- Evaluations for publication critiques are DUE to VHSL June 15, 2017
JCAMP Report provided by Val
- Numbers way down – what can we do to get the word out?
- Erinn reported 5 to 6 early registrations; she has received some forms with no payment and is
going to follow up with those possible registrants - There were no paper mailings this year or last year; JMU has posted it on their Facebook
account and all info has been sent electronically through social media and email - Carol suggested reaching out to the English specialists in each county and sending snail mail
flyers that way to get the word out to advisers - Meghan suggested reaching out to Guidance departments to spread the word and advertising
it outside the publications department at our schools - Carol suggested reaching out to the Admin board member to reach out to other admin and
encourage especially new advisers to attend/send students; Val agreed to follow up with her
principal about this - REGISTRATION FEES: May 1 = $475 — June 1 = $525
- DATES: July 15 (middle school – partnering with Regional Governors School) – July 16 – 20
VAJTA Awards – Meghan report
- Meghan is working on nomination packet for VHSL Hall of Fame for Becky Sipos
- $500 JEA Adviser Institute Scholarship – Amy Robb of Norfolk Collegiate School; Mary Kay
will take the lead on logistics and follow-up for the winner
- Meghan was named to the NSPA Board of Directors
- We need to put out a new slate of Officers — Meghan as Director, Val as Assistant Director,
Meghan as Treasurer/State Director, and Liz as Secretary — the bylaws stipulate that the slate
must be approved at the May meeting - Val suggested having a Member’s Business Meeting at each of the 3 VHSL fall workshops to
allow for face-to-face communication of our annual events and we agreed to continue doing the
January board meeting in person in conjunction w/ jRetreat
NEXT MEETING: We tentatively scheduled an in-person meeting for May 6 @ 10am at the VHSL in Charlottesville, VA; Meghan will check with Lisa to see if space is available
Meghan made a motion to adjourn; Chris seconded the motion
Board Meeting Minutes: August 20, 2016
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers
Board Meeting Minutes: August 20, 2016
10 a.m. – Online Meeting via Google Hangout
Board Members:
Present: Chris Waugaman, Meghan Percival, Linda Mercer, Liz Staley, Judy Davis, Carol Lange, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris,
Absent: Charlotte Wood, Cindy Prieto, Lori Cutshaw, Mary Kay Downes
Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The May meeting minutes were approved (Judy made the motion, Linda seconded, passed unanimously.)
Treasurer’s Report provided in advance via email by Val Kibler
-Current balance is $23,748.25 in checking account with an additional $11,479.80 in the Edward Jones account.
Separate from these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive $5,972.16.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Linda made the motion, Val seconded, passed unanimously.)
JEA Report provided by Val Kibler
Yet to name an interim. Will get updated numbers after things settle down.
From Chris: Hotels in Indianapolis – main hotel is full and overflow are going fast – but rooms may free up around Oct. 1.
VHSL Report provided by Chris Waugaman
Rules clinics will be posted after September 1.
You have to be rules clinic certified for the film festival as well.
VHSL Regional workshop dates are posted
They’ve announced the Multimedia Contest Finalists
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Chris Waugaman
-Twitter – follower / following ratio = good
-Instagram was created at jCamp: VAMediaNow (only 12 followers)
-Discussion about audiences for the different social media platforms and uses for each
-Website – Chris proposed posting something about getting Student Journalist of the year portfolios started
-Facebook Live – Aaron Manfull is doing one every Monday – maybe something to think about for the future?
JCAMP Report provided by Val
-numbers were down from last year – need to work on marketing and getting more people there. Restaurant coverage was successful. Working with JMU to see if the dates could alter.
-perhaps see if we can market to other middle schoolers as well – good for recruitment!
JRetreat provided by Chris Waugaman
-Jan. 13 & 14, 2017 Sarah Nichols will come and teach design / redesign
-Chris W. will investigate Cameron Foundation and library space availability for 2017
-Agreed that the Sunday morning meeting at Demolition Coffee worked well
-Williamsburg for JRetreat 2018?
-Erinn will start publicizing now
-Meghan will put postcard together once jCamp dates are available (hopefully this week)
JDay discussion led by Chris Waugaman
-JDay 2017 – Judy’s school is available for March 24 and 25
-concern about numbers this year (we haven’t had a lot of participation from Norfolk / Tidewater / VA Beach schools in the past).
– Judy has experience hosting a conference at her school that usually draws about 60 students – Judy can contact local media professionals and local university journalism programs to see if they would present.
-Roundtable discussion about is this the best model? Best time? What would success be?
-Chris suggested that we send marketing material out for JRetreat and JCamp and then talk about how to proceed with JDay.
-Chris suggested we table this discussion for a month take a year off of jDay and work on a new model for 2018.
-Carol offered she would make the contacts with the schools and VHSL and support Judy in getting more people to come to March 24 and 25. Keep it the same model as Judy had before.
-Judy will contact her local contacts and gauge interest.
Next Meeting: Sunday, January 15, 2017 at Demolition Coffee in Petersburg (after JRetreat) at 10 a.m.
Meeting adjourned 11:52 a.m.
Board Meeting Minutes: May 15, 2016
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers Board Meeting Minutes: May 15, 2016 7 p.m. – Online Meeting via Google Hangout
Board Members: Present: Chris Waugaman, Meghan Percival, Dan Reinish. Mary Kay Downes, Linda Mercer, Liz Staley, Judy Davis
Absent: Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Charlotte Wood, Cindy Prieto, Lori Cutshaw, Carol Lange,
Proceedings: · Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The January meeting minutes were approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Linda seconded, passed unanimously.)
Treasurer’s Report provided in advance via email by Val Kibler -Current balance is $22,704.25 in checking account with an additional $11,16.781 in the Edward Jones account.
These totals include money collected for JCamp registration that hasn’t yet been sent to JMU.
Separate from these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive $5,972.16.
TOTAL value of what we’re holding: $43,475.80
TOTAL value belonging to VAJTA: $31,531.48
. -The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Liz seconded, passed unanimously.)
JEA Report n/a
VHSL Report
Meghan mentioned that Lisa Giles had told her that 100% full color printout were acceptable for the Multimedia Contest (instead of having to rip out pages from multiple copies of an $80 yearbook!)
Chris and Mary Kay reminded us that all publications entries must be received by June 15
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Chris Waugaman
-Facebook activity is fairly consistent (250 likes)
-Twitter – aprox 210 followers
-Story Archive. Great first one regarding Islamaphobia. We need to send out a reminder message and see if we can get content for remaining topics (especially as staffs archive and pull together contest entries for the year):
* 2016 Election Cycle
* Suicide Awareness
* Covering the Classroom
* Life after High School
* Summer Olympics
Chris mentioned that the story archive might be a great place for hosting some content from JCamp as well.
JCAMP Report provided by Chris Waugaman – June 26-30
-numbers are down from last year – 28 registrations without the middle schoolers
JDay provided by Meghan Percival
— attendance was about the same as the last two years that we held the event at Westfield
-with our three sponsors (Jostens, Herff Jones and University of Maryland) and registrations, we were close to the break even mark, even after paying our three keynotes, paying for travel and hotel expenses, paying for lunch, etc)
-Jday 2017 – Judy is attending the calendar meeting at her school (Norfolk Collegiate) tomorrow and will let us know via email if we can have JDay 2017 there March 24 and 25
-Host schools (Harrisonburg and McLean) have brought the most students in the past – some concern about how many we will draw to the Norfolk, but we are hopeful that we will draw some Richmond and Williamsburg area schools that have not come in the past
-Judy has experience hosting a conference at her school that usually draws about 60 students – so hopefully most of those kids will come. Judy also has contacts at the Pilot for speakers.
JRetreat provided by Chris Waugaman
-Jan. 13 & 14, 2017 Sarah Nichols will come and teach design / redesign
-Chris W. will investigate Cameron Foundation and library space availability for 2017
-Agreed that the Sunday morning meeting at Demolition Coffee worked well
-Williamsburg for JRetreat 2018?
New Business
-The one price membership for $115 that included VAJTA, JEA, JRetreat, JDay and a T-shirt was discussed. Judy made a motion, Liz seconded and it passed unanimously Meghan will update the flyer.
-Chris will write press releases for our awards that can be sent out after JDay
Next Meeting: August 20, 2016 at VHSL in Charlottesville at 10 a.m. Chris will email Lisa to confirm building availability.
Board Meeting Minutes: January 17, 2016
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers
Board Meeting Minutes: Jan 17,2016
8:25 a.m. – Meeting at Demolition Coffee in Petersburg (Judy joined us via Facetime)
Board Members:
Present: Chris Waugaman, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Dan Reinish. Mary Kay Downes, Cindy Prieto
Absent: Charlotte Wood, Linda Mercer, Lori Cutshaw, Carol Lange, Liz Staley
· Meeting called to order at 8:25.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The December meeting minutes were approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Erinn seconded, passed unanimously.)
Treasurer’s Report provided by Val Kibler
-Current balance is $20,709.73 in checking account with an additional $10,821.75 in the Edward Jones account.
Separate from these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive $5,972.16.
TOTAL value of what we’re holding: $43,475.80
TOTAL value belonging to VAJTA: $31,531.48
Will vote on this digitally
. -The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Judy seconded, passed unanimously.)
- JEA Report provided by Val Kibler
-membership is holding fairly steady.
-Val suggested lifetime VAJTA membership for $100
-Will offer reduced rates to those lifetime members for programming
–(Val made the motion, Erinn seconded, passed unanimously.)
If you’re interested in the VAJTAT Lifetime mebership, please send a check made payable to VAJTA to Val Kibler at 1062 Dodson Road, Mt. Jackson, VA 22842.
VHSL Report
April deadline for film production contest (major points for Wells Fargo Cup)
The film festival is June 3-4
Chris mentioned that most of us do PSAs for our publications so that would be a good thing to enter
Chris checked dates for publications entries and they are staying constant at June 15
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Erinn Harris
-Facebook activity is fairly consistent (242 likes)
-Twitter – aprox 184 following / 196 followers (1,002 tweets)
-website blog posts have been brisk this month
-Move high up on website – jDay registration and info and jCamp – make sure links are live, etc. (March 1 is early bird deadline for camp)
-VAJTA Awards Feb. 15 deadline – get that high up as well
-Consider getting staffs involved on social media for scholastic journalism week
-Feb12 is student journalist of the year deadline (Erinn will be promoting via social media)
-Val will contact Mitch Eden regarding the suicide / depression awareness press kits so we can promote it
–Val suggested a common topic / issue – perhaps political / election coverage. Share on web – show kids from around the state how different schools are covering a similar issue.
JCAMP Report provided by Valerie Kibler – June 26-30
-instructors are all confirmed:
Kelly – design and redesign Lauren from SNO, Lori K.- writing, Chris – sports writing, Lindsay – writing, Meghan – leadership, Erinn – yearbook, Emily – broadcast, Bradley-photo)
-middle school kids again
-Val met with Gail Collins from the middle school. She’s asking that kids come in on Saturday to get acclimated. She also suggested that there be an intro for middle school kids for basics of journalism. How do we keep them moving, reporting while high school kids are cheing in?
-For Tuesday Val is setting up 5 different tours around the city (food trucks, ethnic restaurants, farmers market and farm, media one, and one other) Gail can handle the transportation / busses.
-March 1 is the early bird deadline ($425-March 1, $475-May 1, $525 June 1)
-Val is able to promote on Listserv this week
-Giveaways – reporters notebook and pen or pencil
-Perhaps print on front of our black t-shirts
JDay provided by Meghan Percival
— Kelly only needs room for Friday night
-Friday night sessions – Kelly redesign, Mike environmental portraits, Carrie – finding good stories, telling good stories)
-Need to get on awards
-Nominate Frank for friend of (Sam / Chris will write)
-Val will take care of airfare for Carrie and Kelly
-Jday 2017 – Judy offered Norfolk Collegiate – will investigate if space is available – March 24 and 25 is a possibility
JRetreat provided by Chris Waugaman
– Suggestion for 2017 – livestream some of the events – Especially great for our broadcast folks to try
-For 2017 Sarah Nichols will come and teach design / redesign
-Chris W. will investigate Cameron Foundation and library space availability for 2017
-Williamsburg for JRetreat 2018?
New Business
No new business
Next Meeting: May 23 online
Meeting adjourned 9:34 a.m.
Board Meeting Minutes: December 21, 2015
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers
Board Meeting Minutes: Dec. 21,2015
5 p.m. – Online meeting using Google Hangout
Board Members:
Present: Chris Waugaman, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Linda Mercer. Mary Kay Downes, Liz Staley, Judy Davis, Carol Lange
Absent: Charlotte Wood, Dan Reinish, Lori Cutshaw
· Meeting called to order at 5 p.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The August meeting minutes were approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Erinn seconded, passed unanimously.)
Treasurer’s Report provided by Val Kibler
-Current balance is $21,797.93 in checking account with an additional $10,916.64 in the Edward Jones account. Separate from these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive $5,972.16.
Membership 84 – JEA; 40 VAJTA
. -The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Judy seconded, passed unanimously.)
- JEA Report provided by Val Kibler
-membership is holding fairly steady.
-encouraged everyone to look over the list and see who we might need to reach out to for re-upping their membership.
-NSPA and JEA dual initiative with both boards to reach out to real poor areas of the country – just in initial stages yet.
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Erinn Harris
-Facebook activity is fairly consistent
-Twitter – aprox 184 following / 194 followers (1,002 tweets)
-website blog posts have been slow but we’ll revisit in the new year
-Move high up on website – jDay registration and info and jCamp – make sure links are live, etc. (March 1 is early bird deadline for camp)
-VAJTA Awards Feb. 15 deadline – get that high up as well.
JRetreat provided by Chris Waugaman
-Chris heard from contact at Cameron Foundation – date and space is confirmed
-Historic house can be reserved for events (may investigate for use)
-Meghan will pick up and drop off at airport
-Val will check with Mark about any special needs
-Chris recommends the Hilton Garden Inn Southpark Blvd.
-Sunday meeting at Demolition Coffee
-Saturday lunch – order ahead and pick up is a possibility
-Val has shirts (will bring for all-inclusive members)
-Maria’s on Friday
-Chris will email Mark about spots for photography
-Meghan will reserve room for Mark
-Meghan will send Carol a PDF for jRetreat
JCAMP Report provided by Valerie Kibler
-instructors are all confirmed
-middle school kids again
-locked in rooms and meal costs went up a tiny bit – but able to keep the costs the same
-SNO offered a person to help with website and a free website just for jCamp
JDay provided by Meghan Percival
-space and
-Val will take care of airfare for Carrie and Kelly
New Business
VAJTA Awards deadline is February 15
Send Erinn a blog post
–· Meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m.
Next Meeting: January 17 in-person in Petersberg at JRetreat– 8 a.m.(we can facetime with others who are not able to make it)
Board Meeting Minutes: August 22, 2015
Board Members:
Present: Chris Waugaman, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Linda Mercer. Mary Kay Downes, Liz Staley, , Dan Reinish, Charlotte Wood
Absent: Lori Cutshaw, Judy Davis, Carol Lange, Jan Barrett
· Meeting called to order at 10:09 a.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The May 2015 meeting minutes were approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Valerie seconded, passed unanimously.)
Treasurer’s Report provided by Val Kibler
-Current balance is $38,305.18 with an additional $10,995.78 in the Edward Jones account. Part of these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive $5,972.16. This account balance also includes monies collected for jCamp that will go to JMU.
. -The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Erinn made the motion, Mary Kay seconded, passed unanimously.)
JEA Report provided by Val Kibler
-membership is holding fairly steady.
VHSL Report reminders provided by Chris Waugaman
– Rules Clinic required and needs to be done by October 31st.
“Rules clinics for media advisers will be online ( for 2015-16, available after September 1, and must be completed by October 31. Advisers who submit a publication for evaluation and fail to complete a VHSL rules clinic prior to submitting must complete the clinic and pay a $50 fine before evaluation will be completed.”
*Val commented that if rules clinic could go live earlier so that teachers could complete it before students arrive that would be great.
– Regional Championships Oct. 5 – Fredericksburg, Oct. 6 – Roanoke, Oct. – 9 Richmond
-Erinn has posted to our VAJTA social media accounts about finalists for the Multimedia Contests (still waiting on yearbook finalists to be announced)
-Meghan made mention that we may want to pass along word to Lisa, VHSL and the Scholastic Publications Advisory Committee about something she noticed in regards to Wells Fargo Cup points and the new Film Fest competition. Had Princess Anne (5A) only competed in the FilmFest, they would have placed third in Wells Fargo standings with 215 points. This seems to place really great importance on the Film Fest competition since in the other events (publications, theater, creative writing…) a school can’t come in both first and second place (and third…) . Is there any chance that this scoring model for the Wells Fargo Cup might be revisited so that the Wells Fargo Cup will continue to recognize schools who demonstrate excellence in a variety of VHSL’s Academic competitions and not place such overwhelming importance on this one event?
For the five activities involving team champions — scholastic bowl, creative writing, debate, theatre and forensics — points are awarded on the following basis: first place, 50; second place, 45; third place, 40; fourth place, 35; fifth place, 30; sixth place, 25; seventh place, 20; and eighth place, 15.
Scoring for publications is based on the ranking earned in the League’s evaluation service: Trophy Class, 35; First Place, 20; Second Place, 5.
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Erinn Harris
Blog Posts:
-Sam Hedenberg posted a few blog updates from the Adviser Institute – they are posted to the website
-Judy should have a blog post soon, as should Chris (equipment sign out sheets)
– Erinn will review our content and see what needs we have for blog posts:
Here is the Google form for sign-ups:
If you want to see what other people have volunteered to do, here’s the spreadsheet that the form is populating:
237 likes on Facebook
Twitter ratio is getting closer to 50/50 follower / following ratio
JCAMP Report provided by Chris Waugaman & Valerie Kibler
– 2016 date: June 26-June 30
2015 JCamp = -88 students strong
Partnership with Valley Regional Governors School = 37 middle school kids (really positive feedback from middle school partnership)
JMU was fabulous to work with. They allowed us to check out broadcast equipment at beginning of the week.
Check out —
JRetreat – January 15 & 16
Mark Murray is confirmed for a hands-on photography workshop.
- Location: Petersburg’s Cameron Foundation (Meghan made a motion that we donate $150 for use of the building. Liz seconded. Passed unanimously.)
- Get Diet Coke
- Chris will reach out to North Carolina folks
- Meghan will send reminders out to people who registered last year
- Chris made a motion that we print Vista print postcards with programming for the year – 1,000-1,500. Erinn seconded, passed unanimously. Meghan will order.
-Meghan made the suggestion that we order in for food (Long Street Deli) to save on travel time and more networking. All agreed.
-Val will talk to Mark about making travel plans. We also mentioned the need to talk to Mark about limiting walking, a rain / snow plan, etc
J-Day – at Westfield High School on April 22 & 23, 2016
All three keynoters are confirmed: Kelly Furnas, Carrie Faust and Mike Simons
FRIDAY NIGHT INTENSIVE: To increase numbers in the three sessions of our keynoters, it was suggested and all agreed that for the Friday night intensive we eliminate Chris’ session. Possible Intensive options: Photo – Mike; Redesign workshop – Carrie; Writing – Kelly
KEYNOTES: Val recommended that Kelly present about what’s new and trendy, cutting edge.
Meghan suggested that we replace our second keynote with a screening of “Taking the Lede” , a documentary about scholastic journalism. Erinn seconded this suggestion. Chris sent an email to see about the possibility. (
If the documentary doesn’t work out, we thought Carrie & Mike might co-present about team building, building community.
VAJTA Programming Sponsors – jDay sponsor contract
Meghan suggested that we consider moving away from jDay sponsors and look to having year-long programming sponsors. Right now we have a $500 level and a $250 level sponsorship but all that gets them is an ad in the paper program for jDay, name and logo on the T-shirt and “exhibit space” at jDay.
Changes to the current jDay contract will include:
-remove logo on t-shirt and program ad for jDay
-Replace with Guidebook sponsor page that can include a link to their website (Dan will investigate sizes and count for Guidebook)
-Space (a “website widget”) on the VAJTA website that will rotate amongst sponsors (Erinn will investigate sizes etc. for webpage)
(Mary Kay made the motion to make suggested changes to the sponsor contract, Erinn seconded, passed unanimously.) After receiving info listed above, Meghan will update contract and send to board for final approval.
Instead of a year specific jDay T-shirt, Meghan suggested we order T-shirts that do not have a year or specific event so we can sell them year-round (possibly on the website?) and sell for multiple years.
Meghan made a motion we order 100 T-shirts using the “Virginia Student Press” logo from two years ago. Erinn seconded. Val will investigate cost and colors with T-shirt vendors.
Gravity Forms / Event Manager
At the suggestion of the board, Dan investigated both Gravity Forms and Event Manager as possible tools for helping us with registration for events. He found that while Gravity Forms was slightly cheaper of the two, Event Manager might be more user-friendly. Meghan made a motion that we get Event Manager for jRetreat to test it out. Erinn seconded it. Passed unanimously. Dan will purchase and figure out how best to implement.
Membership Outreach
Val suggested that board members might try to identify two sister staffs this year – one we think we might be able to help and one we might find aspirational. Look for ways to work together (Skype, care packages, connecting staffs, etc)
Additional Board Members
Both Val and Mary Kay will ask their principals about representing administrators on the VAJTA board (both of their principals have recently been recognized as supporters of scholastic media)
Charlotte will reach out to professional press contact for possible representation on the board.
Next Meeting: Monday, Nov. 16 – 7 p.m. online
Winter Meeting: Sunday, Jan 17 at jRetreat – in person.
-· Meeting adjourned at 12:32 p.m.
Board Meeting Minutes: May 26, 2015
7 p.m. – Online meeting using Any Meeting/ Google Hangout
Board Members:
Present: Chris Waugaman, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Linda Mercer. Mary Kay Downes, Liz Staley, Judy Davis, Carol Lange, Dan Reinish
Absent: Charlotte Wood, Lori Cutshaw, Karen Swortzel, Abrianna Nelson
· Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The March meeting minutes were approved (Mary Kay made the motion, Valerie seconded, passed unanimously.)
Treasurer’s Report provided by Val Kibler
-Current balance is $29,802.90 with an additional $$11,157.15 in the Edward Jones account. Separate from these totals we are currently holding the monies for the DC and MD from the national convention until they have their own checking accounts – each will receive $5,972.16. This account balance also includes monies collected for jCamp that will go to JMU in July.
. -The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Erinn made the motion, Mary Kay seconded, passed unanimously.)
- JEA Report provided by Val Kibler
-membership is holding fairly steady.
-If we have any awards people we want to submit for JEA Awards we should start thinking about those soon and pass names onto Awards Committee Chair Mary Kay (Mary Kay sent email with names of awards that have a July 15 deadline during the meeting to all board members).
-We have everything set for Sam Hedenberg, our JEA Advisers Institute scholarship winner, for attending the Institute (already received receipts). He has offered to live Tweet/ blog about the experience.
VHSL Report reminders provided by Chris Waugaman
– Publication Evaluations Deadline is RECEIVED BY June 15th
– Online Deadline October 15th
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Erinn Harris
-Facebook 235 likes
-Twitter – aprox 184 following / followers
-got a shout out from School Newspapers Online for incorporating blogs
-Chris Waugaman is doing a blog post about first year ybk adviser distribution
-Lori Cutshaw promised a blog post for May so Erinn will follow-up
-Judy is going to do a blog post about one-to-one and meditations on independent school journalism (especially timely since VHSL just decided that private schools can join).
-When we meet in August we’ll do another sign-up by month for blog posts.
JCAMP Report provided by Chris Waugaman & Valerie Kibler
-69 signed up (37 middle school kids)
-All of the flights are paid for from the Treasurers report. Still need to pay instructors and JMU.
-Still waiting on dates for 2016 and 2017 from JMU
Working on finalizing what broadcast equipment is available.
- Summer 2015
Twitter #jmujcamp
JRetreat – January 15 & 16
Mark Murray has agreed to do a hands-on photography workshop for next year.
- Location: Petersburg’s Cameron Foundation
- Chris noted that these hotels are closer and nicer than the ones many of us stayed in last year: Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Colonial Heights 1-804-520-0600 (No Group Rate) $129 a night
Comfort Suites Southpark Colonial Heights (804) 520-8900 (No Group Rate) $104 a night
- Friday night social at Chris’s house
- Start promoting jRetreat this summer on the Listserv and for the North Carolina people!
New Business
VAJTA Programming Sponsors – jDay sponsor contract
Meghan suggested that we consider moving away from jDay sponsors and look to having year-long programming sponsors. Right now we have a $500 level and a $250 level sponsorship but all that gets them is an ad in the paper program for jDay, name and logo on the T-shirt and “exhibit space” at jDay.
What could we offer program sponsors moving forward? (for the purposes of rewriting the contract we need to know what we can promise vendors)
- Banner ad space on webpage (could rotate)
- Name and logo on T-shirt (Meghan mentioned we might consider creating a t-shirt that is less specific to jDay and more universal to our programing for the year so maybe we could sell them year round, get a better deal on them, not end up with extras…)
- Logo or ads on jRetreat and jCamp materials in addition to jDay (not sure what this means exactly)
- Logo on our PowerPoints that start the day /before the awards ceremony at jDay and jCamp?
Moving forward:
- Carol urged caution – that we make sure we are inclusive in our invitation to all potential vendors
- It was suggested that we create a Google Doc to brainstorm groups to contact (printers, photographers, schools, etc). Erinn will create the Google Doc.
- Judy and Val suggested that once the contract and promises are finalized we create a uniform pitch so multiple members of the board could reach out to their contacts.
- Chris will reach out to members of the Programming Committee to see if there is someone willing to be the point person for all sponsors so they know where to send their stuff (logos, money, etc)
Other New Business
- Dan Reinish was nominated as a new member of the board. (Erinn made the motion, Judy seconded, passed unanimously.)
- Val introduced us to Survey Gizmo and Events Planner and Gravity Forms – programs she head about from Aaron Manful. Dan agreed to investigate, and check out free options, particularly those that are synched with WordPress.
- Meghan suggested we move all deadlines for Adviser Awards and the Adviser scholarship to Feb. 15 – easier to promote one date, we can make a big presentation of the scholarship at jDay and by moving the dates up we might have a better chance of getting these award winners to attend and speak at jDay. Linda made the motion, Liz seconded, passed unanimously.)
- Motion to continue the JEA Adviser’s Institute scholarship – $750 to one member. (Erinn made the motion, Linda seconded, passed unanimously.)
- Carol recommended we continue to look for administrative representation on the board – Chris will reach out to Chuck Stevens at Lee-Davis.
-· Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: August 22 in-person in Charlottesville at VHSL headquarters – 10 a.m.
Board Meeting Minutes: November 19, 2014
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers
Board Meeting Minutes: November 19, 2014
7 p.m. – Online meeting using Google Hangout
Board Members:
Present: Chris Waugaman, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Liz Staley, Karen Swortzel, Abrianna Nelson, Linda Mercer.
Absent: Charlotte Wood, Lori Cutshaw, Mary Kay Downes, Judy Davis
· Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. by Executive Director, Chris Waugaman
-The August meeting minutes were approved (Meghan made the motion, Erinn seconded, passed unanimously.)
· Treasurer’s Report provided by Val Kibler
-Current balance is 20,744.01 with an additional $10,951.45 in the Edward Jones account.
-Val noted that we are still holding several thousand dollars of income from the national JEA/NSPA conference. When final monies are paid from NSPA/JEA, we will be writing checks to D.C. and Maryland for their portion of local committee income. The local committee money will be split: 50% to Virginia, 25% to MD to 25% to DC.
-The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Meghan made the motion, Erinn seconded, passed unanimously.)
· JEA Report provided by Val Kibler
-membership is holding fairly steady – 8 VAJTA 51 JEA and 55 both.
-Val shared a Google Doc with membership info and encouraged everyone to reach out to people in their area. Also to remind people who have let their membership lapse. All of our great programing (jRetreat, jDay, jCamp) and the JEA curriculum are all good reasons to join.
VHSL Report provided by Lisa Giles
-Lisa did not email anything.
Website/Twitter/Facebook Report provided by Erinn Harris & Chris Waugaman
-Erinn thanked board members for providing lots of great blog content. Erinn will be posting a blog post from Charlotte Wood soon. More blog posts are encouraged.
-The iPad was mailed to the NSPA/JEA raffle winner. Secondary winners (jCamp, etc) were also contacted.
-Earned a few new followers on Twitter after the convention.
-Erinn live Tweeted the NSPA Awards Ceremony – celebrating our Virginia honorees.
JCAMP Report provided by Chris Waugaman & Valerie Kibler
-Nothing new to report right now.
JRETREAT – discussion
– Planning is complete and Aaron Manfull is ready to go.
-Aaron has flights – Erinn and Meghan will pick him up at Dulles and return him to Reagan.
-A hotel room has been booked for Aaron.
– The registration Google Doc is live and accepting registrations (Meghan has already successfully registered). Erinn will embed the Google Doc on the webpage.
-Both locations should have LCD projectors but Chris will bring a back-up. Aaron will try to connect with other advisers around the country via Google Hangout or some other technology. Val will see about getting members of the JEA and NSPA boards, who will be meeting that same weekend, to also connect with us if the schedule allows.
NSPA/JEA DC Convention Wrap-Up– discussion
-Lots of positive feedback from pros, advisers and students about the convention.
-Break with a Pro went really smoothly – Erinn, Meghan and Jay already sent materials and lessons learned to Kelly Furnas and the Denver and Orlando convention folks.
-Lots of good feedback about trivia and trolley tours.
-The most negative comments were about the sound issues during opening ceremony and people being turned away from the opening ceremony because all seats were taken.
-Some changes to on-site critiques and also how NSPA / JEA will work financially with the local committee in the future.
JDAY Report provided by Meghan Percival
-Meghan sought volunteers to help with JDay and the following people have agreed to help:
Programs – Dan Reinish
Registration – Liz Staley
Write Offs – Erinn Harris
Space – Anthony Whitten
T-Shirts – Mary Kay Downes
Keynoters – Val Kibler
Vendors – Karen Swortzel
Best Of Show – Abrianna Nelson
Speakers – Chris Waugaman
-We’re all set with the location (Westfield) and keynoters.
-Meghan will reserve rooms for the keynoters at the Marriott (seemed like a great location last year).
Still looking for help with Lunch and Promotions
New Business– discussion
-JEA Awards deadlines for Rising Star is approaching (Dec. 15) – discussion of Virginia advisers we might be able to nominate.
-Erinn recommended everyone send a survival tip for making it through the winter. Val recommended asking for 5 favorite things from the convention. Meghan suggested creating a Google form so we could get quick answers from lots of people for future blog content.
-Val would like us to solicit more entries for Journalist of the Year.
· Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Next meeting: Saturday, March 7 at VHSL in Charlottesville.
· Minutes submitted by Secretary, Meghan Percival
Present: Chris Waugaman, Mary Kay Downes, Valerie Kibler, Linda Mercer, Lori Cutshaw, Judy Davis, Charlotte Wood, Jan Barrett, Carol Lange, Abrianna Nelson, Erinn Harris, Meaghan Percival, Karen Swortzel, Liz Staley.
At 10:08 Director Chris Waugaman called the meeting to order and welcomed all. Each one introduced themselves to the group.
There was a vote to officially approve Karen Swortzel to the board. It was unanimous.
Chris said all board members are now listed on the web page.
The minutes of the May online meeting were approved.
Val had sent the treasurer’s report via email the night before. She summarized it for the board. The Edward Jones account is up. We still owe ca. $11, 000 for jCamp, and $2,500 is seed money for the national convention. After all is taken care of, we should have ca. $10,000 left in the account. Her report was approved as presented.
Val gave the JEA report. Memberships–61 JEA, 43 VAJTA, 43 both. She will be contacting those whose memberships have expired. She will send out a list of activities to the board to use to recruit members.
Meghan mentioned a discount for early joining, a list of benefits including the JEA curriculum. Val asked each board member to reach out to local advisers about joining.
VHSL should have a list of athletic directors who must submit names for rules clinics. Can schools pay for advisers memberships? Folks are encouraged to ask.
Lisa had provided notes about VHSL events.
Rules clinics are now available online– through October 31. Failure to complete 100% of the clinic and subsequently submit for evaluation will result in a $50 fine.
Regional Media Championships–10/6 Fredericksburg, 10/8 Roanoke, 10/10 Richmond. Speakers include Logan Aimone, Deanne Brown, Bruce Watterson, Mitch Eden, Michelle Coro. Costs are the same.
Multimedia Contest finalists are announced on the VHSL website. If you have finalists, please send spreads to Lisa Giles for inclusion in the RMC Awards Luncheon presentation.
Judy Davis said private schools have no competition anymore within VHSL. They are looking for other organizations to join.
Website, Twitter, Facebook reports given by Erinn. Posted tweets on our account –VAJTA1–following ca. 150, followers ca. 121. Val suggested making it a class assignment to follow VAJTA on Twitter.
Website– “We the Media” updates will be posted soon. DC convention info moved to top. She asked Chris to put earliest events first.
Erinn asked board members to write a blog post. Meaghan will do August, Abri will do Sept. as will Val. Chris will do broadcast Sept./Oct. Others will sign up, too.
Mary Kay asked how to do the blog post. Erinn will send a form which participants can send to her. Val suggested sending a mug shot to go with the articles.
jCamp report–Chris said JMU treated them wonderfully. He complimented Val’s staff for their work as counselors. Some campers returned for a second time. VAl saiod it was the best year so far. The kids evaluations were very positive.
jCamp will be July 12-15, 2015 at JMU. Val wants to recruit more kids, esp. from wider area–other states.
JEA/NSPA DC Convention– Registration booklets will go on line next week. The hotel block is already full! There will be Sept. /Oct. meetings to finalize things.
Carol discussed the VAJTA table in the exhibit hall for VA, MD, and DC. Can board members take a hour or so to man the table? This would help jDay and jCamp publicity.
Carol also asked if there was an opportunity for VA advisers to connect–there won’t be regional meet and greets at this convention. Nothing was firm.
Carol suggested in any emails that go out about the convention that mention be made of the student scholarships available for registration costs.
VAl hoped that VAJTA could have an item in the SPLC auction. Meaghan suggested an adviser scholarship to jCamp–or a raffle for that at the VAJTA table.
Judy asked if donors of scholarships could specify a school or area to get it. Yes. She asked if items for the teacher bags could be delivered early–Yes.
Charlotte is contacting Albemarle businesses for donations and scholarships.
A motion was made o donate two jDay registrations, two jRetreat registrations, and one jCamp registration for the Silent Auction at the convention. It passed unanimously.
A second motion was made to raffle one jCamp registration, one jDay registration, and one jRetreat registration and one iMinipad at the VAJTA table at the convention. It passed unanimously.
A third motion was made to offer incentives for advisers to join VAJTA by Sept. 30–an Early Bird contest. It will offer one jCamp registration, two jDay registrations, and 2 jRetreat registrations. Advisers will be contacted if they win. It passed unanimously.
The Advisers’ Retreat will be January 16-17,2015, in Petersburg. Registration will be $25. Chris discussed sites and agenda. Friday there will be a Happy Hour at a restaurant 6:30-7p.m. Dinner to follow. Then a social hour at Chris’ home.
Saturday sessions–Val suggested topics for advisers to “like” on the registration forms. According to a poll on the website, 54% want assistance in teaching writing.
A motion was made to pay Aaron Manfill $1,000 plus travel expenses for the retreat. It passed unanimously.
Meaghan reported on the next jDay which will be April 10-11, 2015, at Westfield High School in northern Virginia. Friday night sessions will be 2 hours long. The speakers are booked. She needs a new lunch plan and will be investigating several options.
Elections of officers–the committee presented the slate for members to respond to —
director–Chris Waugaman
associate director–Erinn Harris
secretary–Meaghan Percival
(the treasurer is always the state JEA director- currently Val Kibler )
The slate will be sent to members via email for additional nominations which will close Sept. 30. The ballots will be sent October 3 and voting will close October 10.
By Law revisions/updates. Erinn recorded several changes and will post them in full on the website.
2.03 membership will be one calendar year, rolling by date paid
3.01 Re the annual membership meeting at fall VHSL workshop– The workshop no longer exists so items 3.01 and 3.02 were excised, making 3.03 new 3.01.
Section 4 Board of Directors 11 directors representing all forms of media
There was discussion about getting a professional to join the board. Abrianna will check with two.
4.02 change shall to will
4.03 + changes in verbiage–see the website for details.
Chris asked board members to consider what committee they’d like to serve on and members told him.
He announced several award deadlines for staffs.
VAJTA will be hosting SIPA’s planning meeting at Washington & Lee. Val asked for $500 to provide welcome items from Virginia for 25 people. A motion was made and passed unanimously to do so.
Carol asked about JEA curriculum promotion/publicity. It will be available only to JEA members. Val will share some ideas. Online chats would be helpful. The Advisers Institute in Vegas will promote it.
The next meeting will be online Wednesday, NOVEMBER 19 at 7p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:10m p.m.
VAJTA Online Meeting Minutes May 27, 2014c
Present: Linda Mercer, Chris Waugaman, Val Kibler, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Mary Kay Downes, Elizabeth Staley, Abrianna Nelson.
At 7 p.m. Chris opened the meeting with a call for nominations to fill openings on the board. Liz Staley will replace Tim Yorke, Jan Barrett, Lori Cutshaw, and Abrianna Nelson will complete the board spaces. All were approved unanimously.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Val sent a email with the treasurer’s report. She cautioned that the numbers were high because the jCamp registrations were included and, of course, would be spent in July. She estimated this would be $19,000 -20,000. Val said the camp would break even or make a slight profit this time.
General account $26,267.69. Investment $10,679.40 Total wealth $36,947.09.
85 JEA /VAJTA members currently belong so far.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Chris reported on VHSL for Lisa.There will be a film festival in May 2015. The dates for the Championship Workshops are Oct. 6,8,10.
Val noted that publications are primarily behind the success of the Wells Fargo Cup winners.
JEA report–Val is pushing the new curriculum to help get new members. She mentioned the new program JEA is sponsoring this summer, Teachers Day of Doing Journalism when teachers will actually DO journalism.
Erinn discussed the website and Twitter. We have 112 Twitter followers and we follow 146. The Facebook site will be updated by Erinn. She plans to ask folks to do blog posts for it.
Val asked for information to challenge teachers to get kids to follow us in the last days of school or beginning of next school year–maybe a contest?? Also, all should push the D.C. convention in social media.
Erinn will combine posts etc, for D.C. with info from Val and do weekly posts.
jCamp report–Val said things were going well for the July 13-17 camp. There are 51 registered to date, probably will hit 60 or so by the end. There are plans for the kids to cover a local minor league baseball team live. The JMU campus is very welcoming. Carol will attend for two days to work with the lit mag people who registered. Yearbook and broadcasting students also registered. The main focus will be on writing with the majority of students enrolled in the writing tracks, but emphasis will be on collaborative writing. There is plenty of lab space.
Chris asked if the camp could use JMU next year, too. Val said yes and a date of a week later is being explored for 2015. She suggested a 3-year cycle per site at least to promote growth.
jDay–Westfield High School is requested for next year, but it is not firm yet. Meghan is developing a calendar of workshops to give to advisers. She will divide tasks for the workshop into smaller parts for next time. Two keynote speakers, Jim Streisel and Kris Doran, are confirmed already and both will drive, so we will save money. Since Bradley cannot attend in 2015, a new photographer instructor should be found. Meghan suggested the Friday evening workshops be extended to 1.5 or 2 hours. Chris agreed that would work.
Val gave an update on the Journalist of the Year contest. The 4th place student was caught having plagiarized most of his entry. Our award was rescinded and his college was informed of the incident.
Chris discussed the standing committees that are listed in the bylaws–Membership/ budget, Programming, Communication, Mentoring/networking. He asked who was supposed to be on which one. Some recalled, others didn’t.
Linda suggested a face to face meeting to break into the committees and work live and then report to the whole board.
Erinn suggested that Networking and Communication were related.
Val asked for a subcommittee on awards to get more Virginians recognized nationwide. She recommended Mary Kay to push nominations for various awards–not only VAJTA but SIPA, JEA, etc. Mary Kay agreed to chair this committee.
The question arose–Do Mentoring/networking/ Communication committees need to be redefined? Probably. What are we doing about mentoring? Val reminded the board that we chose not to join the JEA mentoring program because we couldn’t afford it as we were not associated with a state press association and it only provided mentor training for two people. Linda reminded all that Carol had organized a system but we haven’t used it in a few years.
Val recommended that individual board members choose someone new in their area to invite to activities and to mentor throughout the year.
Chris asked if we are following the bylaws, do they need review and/or revision? He mentioned election of officers as one area that has fallen behind.
Val mentioned that it was 2010 when the bylaws were last looked at. She suggested that the nominating committee be formed and a slate prepared for fall voting. Linda as secretary will chair the committee, Val and Mary Kay will serve on it. Erinn and Chris and Carol will form a Bylaw review committee.
There was discussion of how to get the slate and bylaw revisions voted on by the whole membership of VAJTA–voting can be done electronically via a platform such as Google Form.
Chris talked about having an event on a weekend for advisers to support mentoring. An Adviser Retreat came to mind. Maybe inviting an “adviser in residence”–Aaron Manfull has agreed to serve as our first adviser in residence. The weekend in January over MLK day would be a good time for this. Chris suggested Petersburg for the site and offered his house for a reception. He will look into the hotel, etc.
There being no other business, the next meeting date was set for SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2014, at 10 a.m. AT THE VA. HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE OFFICES.
The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Mercer, secretary
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 3/17/14
VAJTA MINUTES MARCH 17, 2014 Online event 7p.m.
Present: Chris Waugaman, Carol Lange, Erinn Harris, Linda Mercer, Meghan Percival, Valerie Kibler, Judy Davis.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Valerie will send a treasurer’s report via email. She said the numbers were up a lot due to JCamp/ JDay registrations. The report was approved.
Val commented on the progress in planning for the national convention coming in November. All is running well.
There was no VHSL report.
Erinn discussed the website. She has updated the awards lists and will ask for blog posts later in the spring. We have 101 followers. Judy asked if independent schools are included in web site lists by Erinn. Carol suggested adding an asterisk for deceased names on the awards list.
Val reported on JCamp. All is on track with 4 counselors on board and all teachers signed up. Registrations are coming in. She will do more emails soon. Chris asked about insurance–the university has it, so no problem.
Linda reminded Val about the 990 forms that need to be done for tax purposes.
Val has had issues with the previous treasurer’s address being still used by school bookkeepers to pay advisers’ dues. She is working to correct this.
Judy will host Val next week to visit with NIE people and newspapers/universities. Judy has a list of independent schools for communications use.
Carol asked if information has been sent about JCamp to WVA, MD, and DC schools. Val said she reached out to them.
Meghan reported on JDay. Rooms, speakers, etc are set. Only 2 schools registered so far. Should pick up by deadline since snow days have been an issue for many.
Chris asked if we had a formal nomination to have Judy Davis join the board. The motion was made, seconded, and voted in approval. Judy is an official member now.
Val added the name of Mary K. Downes to be voted onto the board. The vote approved her as well.
There are questions about who is still on the board, and vacancies to be filled. Linda will check on Betsy Brittingham and seek other southwest advisers who might serve.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE MAY 17 AT VHSL.
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 12/9/13
Present: Judy Davis, Chris Waugaman, Betsy Brittingham, Linda Mercer, David Suitts, Erinn Harris, Meghan Percival, Carol Lange, Val Kibler.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Val sent the treasurer’s report in an email and noted the Edward Jones account was up about $140 or so. The report was approved.
Val reported on the DC convention coming in Nov. 2014. There was a meeting scheduled for the 14th at Chantilly HS.
Lisa was unable to be in the meeting to report on VHSL. Chris noted that the Savedge scholarship materials and deadlines were posted. SPAC had a meeting–Info can be found at the VHSL website– There may be some critique changes.
Judy asked if private school publications could participate in VHSL contests if their sports didn’t participate in VHSL. Val suggested asking Lisa if there could be a waiver for private and charter school publications to take part in VHSL programs at a special fee rate. Others supported this idea.
Erinn reported on VAJTA’s on line presence. We have 88 followers on Twitter. She recommended folks follow journalism tweets. There were 231 Facebook likes.
Chris has worked with a site to get free hosting for our website.
J-Camp will be July 13-17 at JMU. Val is very happy with their cooperation. The brochure is ready. There are several major speakers lined up. The price is $425 early registration, then $475, and late registration is $525. This includes room and meals. Info is at VAJTA .org in PDF form.
Carol asked if any special rates or incentives were being offered this year. Val said no, but some may be later.
J-Day will be April 4 -5 at Westfield HS in Chantilly. Meghan has met with the folks at the school and set the rooms etc. She is thinking of changing the Friday night schedule to have an intensive session rather than a keynote. Would thios require preregistration? It might drive teachers to sign up earlier. She has added another session to make use of many volunteer speakers.
Chris reported that Fran Sharer is ill and the Frances Fok would pass any cards to her via Fran’s relative whom she teaches with.
Carol said the first Friday in February has been set for a “Night with the Wizards” for student journalists to see a Wizards game after hearing a panel of sports journalists. There will be a contest for student coverage of the game. It is open to any in the Metro area–$17 for a ticket. Alan Weintraut is making a Wizards connection for the November Convention.
The dates for the next VAJTA meetings–
Online– March 10, 2014, At VHSl office MAy 17, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Mercer, Secretary
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 8/10/13
VAJTA BOARD MEETING 8/10 at VHSL Headquarters in Charlottesville
- We run it ourselves in Harrisonburg. Problems– hotels more expensive, and transportation form hotels to classes, etc, not great
- For a year skip running ours and take a bus of kids to U. of SC program–CJI.
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 3/12/13
VAJTA BOARD MEETING 3/12 Online through
Chris welcomed everyone – most of the meeting was spoken through the audio component but Some type was included on the side.
Meghan Percival, Erinn Harris, Val Kibler, Pam Necessary, Betsy Brittingham, Cheryl DeVincentis, David Suitts & Chris Waugaman were in attendance
Chris began the meeting by stating that the minutes were posted to the website.
Val motioned to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Meghan seconded the motion. Everyone voted to pass the minutes. There was no one opposed.
Chris asked Val to speak a little about the current treasurer’s report. Val indicated that she had emailed them to everyone. The balance is about where it was before. She indicated that she had already put in for JDay expenses including the flights for Bradley, Steve, and Casey.
Val mentioned that Casey will be replacing Sarah for JDay. The money from Herff Jones for JDay has been deposited. The mutual fund has gone down a little but it is still higher than when we started.
Erinn asked about the money that is in Carol Lange’s name and Fran Sherer but Val said we should not be held legally accountable.
Taxes will be being done soon.
Motion was made from Meghan to approve the treasurer’s report. Second was made from Erinn. A vote was called and everyone voted to pass the report.
Vhsl report was emailed to Chris from Lisa. RPC dates were passed along. 10/7, 10/9 & 10/11
Creative writing deadline is this Friday for VHSL
Savedge JOY for Vhsl are in and are being evaluated currently.
Val mentioned that there were only two submissions for the JEA JOY award.
Erinn asked about the findings that VHSL had made with the broadcast stipends.
Erinn said she is pretty positive that the broadcast advisers are not getting paid. Meghan said that she had heard that there is hope that the new evaluation for broadcast will encourage stipends.
Chris said we will ask Lisa and Cheryl where they are on asking schools to pay for stipends.
Cheryl mentioned that she has heard nothing about the issue of stipends. She said that their English specialist has delayed bringing it up with FCPS.
Chris asked Erinn to speak on the use of Twitter and Facebook.
Erinn said we have 52 followers on twitter and we are following 122. A lot of the tweets come from reporting of the Facebook posts.
Erinn asked about our twitter handle being on registration forms and Val said no. Several people mentioned placing it on the t-shirts and forms. Val said she would take the information and update some items.
Erinn mentioned that the students are probably more on twitter than the advisers.
Chris mentioned that at conferences there are great opportunities to increase traffic and followers. He mentioned to talk it up at CSPA too.
Val asked us to promote Steve Johnson’s twitter feed also.
Erinn asked about more information on Steve Johnson. Chris mentioned that Steve did a wonderful job at Sipa – he talks mainly about backpack journalism.
Chris shared that he has placed two items on the web page under Board membership. One item was the responsibilities of board members. In addition there is a list of the committees that we have had in the past. The committees are membership, programming, communication, and mentoring.
People were quickly mentioned to head up the committees this time and there will be further mention of this at the face to face meeting at JDAY.
Chris mentioned using Guidebook for JDAY. Erinn looked into guidebook and then Meghan said it is free to use.
Val was then asked to talk about JCamp. Up to 16 registrations. Only 5 at early registration. Val mentioned that it will be 23rd through 27th of June. We have Kelly Furnas and Bobby Hawthorne. If advisers bring five people they will get one on one time with Bobby Hawthorne.
Washington and Lee has been promoting JCamp through mailing and calling. Promotions and instructors have been taken care of. We just need to get kids there now. We hope to get 100 people there.
Val said W&L is coming to JDAY. There will also be a promotion in the program for JCamp. $375, $425, $475 for rates. Early, by May 1st and then late.
Chris asked about equipment for JCamp. Val said that W&L has a really nice studio. She said jot down the needs and we will send it to Pam. Val said that she has sent Pam Lucky a schedule. Val said she is not sure if the student volunteers will be journalism students.
Val said she has seen quite a lot of traffic on the old Facebook page about JCamp. David asked about promoting it at JDay.
Chris asked if there were anymore concerns with JCamp.
The next topic was JDay.
Val sent everyone a draft of the program. Val said that she has really been pleased with the work done with Charlotte and Cheryl and Meghan for the great speakers that are coming in.
We still need two blocks in the newspaper area and two blocks for advisers if it seems like that will be a good idea. Bradley will speak on Friday night. We have cut back on a number of things so we can have more kids on the sessions.
Leslie Dennis is coming from SIPA and Fiesens and Herff Jones have paid some money. Jostens is coming now. Jason said he would come on his own if he needed to. Balfour might be coming and the reps have taught before.
Speakers for newspaper were discussed. Pam is getting trophies for best of show. Keynotes are taken care of. Tech guy is a new person this year. Write off are taken care of by Erinn.
Erinn said she thought the big room is good for write-offs. She will find some judges too. She said she will be in good shape.
Val asked Erinn how will we know which kid is in each write-off. Erinn thought that the easiest thing would be to use a google form.
We will post the form to the website.
The awards will be presented at the luncheon. Val asked if Pam and Linda had talked about the luncheon. We will ask Linda to send letters to the awa recipients notifying them that they have won awards and that they will be presented at the luncheon on Saturday. Hopefully they will bring kids with them too.
Follow up with Val to finalize the details on JDay.
The last item on the agenda was the committees. Chris reintroduced the idea of the four committees and asked for input about where we want to go with them. There was no response on the four committees. They have now been reintroduced and we will revisit these committees at JDay.
Chris asked a final question about when we could expect a call or Email about the JEA/NSPA WASHINGTON CONVENTION.
Val said we could expect a call in April or the summer. Val said that it will be her suggestion that more meeting will be done in the any format.
Val and Meghan said that this has been the easiest online meeting that they have taken part in.
Chris concluded that we will see everyone on April 12 in Harrisonburg. Future
meeting dates are listed on the agenda.
Chris posted a poll at the end along with Erinn who posted a video.
Poll questions were…
Did you like this meeting? Y or N and all 7 voted yes.
Meeting Ended at 8:10 PM
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 11/3/12
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 8/13/12
Attendance: Heidi Craft, Meghan Percival, Valerie Kibler, Lisa Giles, Cheryl DeVincentia, Pam Necessary, Betsy Brittingham, Linda Mercer, Chris Waugaman
Chat Log
08/13/2012 15:51:52 Chris Waugaman: Hello everyone!
08/13/2012 15:52:56 Chris Waugaman: Hi VAL!
08/13/2012 15:53:52 valerie kibler from home: hey!
08/13/2012 15:54:00 valerie kibler from home: are you doing the mic portion of this?
08/13/2012 15:54:05 heidi craft from henrico, va: hey there!
08/13/2012 15:54:33 Chris Waugaman: I wasn’t going to… do you want to?
08/13/2012 15:54:54 heidi craft from henrico, va: i can hear you
08/13/2012 15:55:17 Chris Waugaman: Hi Pam!
08/13/2012 15:55:32 Chris Waugaman: Hi Betsy – we’re so glad you could join us!
08/13/2012 15:55:44 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: Hi to everyone
08/13/2012 15:55:54 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: Thanks!
08/13/2012 15:55:56 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Hey, everyone!
08/13/2012 15:56:07 Chris Waugaman: Hi Lisa!
08/13/2012 15:57:03 heidi craft from henrico, va: I don’t have a mic
08/13/2012 15:57:17 Chris Waugaman: Hi Meghan!
08/13/2012 15:57:19 valerie kibler from home: every time I try to allow the mic, it freezes
08/13/2012 15:57:27 Meghan Percival: Hello!
08/13/2012 15:57:29 valerie kibler from home: i can hear you all
08/13/2012 15:57:41 Chris Waugaman: Hi Pam!
08/13/2012 15:57:42 valerie kibler from home: yea, but when I try to connect at the top, it doesn’t like it
08/13/2012 15:58:06 Chris Waugaman: Where is Linda?
08/13/2012 15:59:18 heidi craft from henrico, va: yep we can
08/13/2012 15:59:20 Lisa Giles from VHSL: I can hear you, Chris and Cheryl!
08/13/2012 15:59:23 valerie kibler from home: i can too
08/13/2012 15:59:23 heidi craft from henrico, va: 🙂
08/13/2012 15:59:26 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: I can hear you
08/13/2012 15:59:26 Meghan Percival: I can hear!
08/13/2012 15:59:27 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Hi, everyone! Good to join you!
08/13/2012 15:59:35 Lisa Giles from VHSL: 🙂
08/13/2012 15:59:44 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: I can hear! But you can’t hear me chewing 🙂
08/13/2012 15:59:52 Chris Waugaman: Let’s get started!
08/13/2012 16:00:09 Chris Waugaman: Did everyone get the agenda and Treasurer’s Report?
08/13/2012 16:00:13 valerie kibler from home: yep
08/13/2012 16:00:16 heidi craft from henrico, va: yep
08/13/2012 16:00:18 Meghan Percival: yes
08/13/2012 16:00:19 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: yes
08/13/2012 16:00:34 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: yes
08/13/2012 16:01:13 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Chris, your sound is in and out for me.
08/13/2012 16:01:26 Lisa Giles from VHSL: A bit hard to hear…
08/13/2012 16:01:42 Chris Waugaman: Ok – Cheryl tell us where you are from and what you advise.
08/13/2012 16:02:03 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I’m at South County HS & MS. My major field is broadcast, but I’m picking up MS newspaper & yearbook this year.
08/13/2012 16:02:18 heidi craft from henrico, va: welcome!
08/13/2012 16:02:19 valerie kibler from home: great to have a broadcasting person on board
08/13/2012 16:02:23 Chris Waugaman: Alright – that is great a broadcast person!
08/13/2012 16:02:25 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Thank you!
08/13/2012 16:02:26 Meghan Percival: So excited to have some broadcast expertise – welcome!
08/13/2012 16:02:36 Chris Waugaman: And Betsy?
08/13/2012 16:03:17 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: Hi. I teach journalism and 7th grade English in Altavista VA. Our combined school (6-12) has 70 students.
08/13/2012 16:03:26 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: 750!!!
08/13/2012 16:03:37 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Wow!
08/13/2012 16:03:37 Chris Waugaman: Wow – oh ok – 750
08/13/2012 16:03:40 heidi craft from henrico, va: (and she is a pacemaker and crown winner)
08/13/2012 16:03:48 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: hahahaha
08/13/2012 16:03:50 Chris Waugaman: Yay!
08/13/2012 16:04:03 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: Sorry! I have had a long day, we started teacher work week today. And I am SO big time!
08/13/2012 16:04:03 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Wonderful–congrats!
08/13/2012 16:04:16 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: Thanks!
08/13/2012 16:04:27 Chris Waugaman: Well welcome – and I am sorry we are not meeting face-to-face for the first time.
08/13/2012 16:04:47 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: That’s ok. I am eating dinner 🙂
08/13/2012 16:05:05 Chris Waugaman: So the minutes are up to date on the website –
08/13/2012 16:05:23 Chris Waugaman: Do we have a motion to approve?
08/13/2012 16:05:34 valerie kibler from home: So moved
08/13/2012 16:05:38 Chris Waugaman: Second?
08/13/2012 16:05:40 heidi craft from henrico, va: second
08/13/2012 16:05:57 Chris Waugaman: All in favor? Say yes.
08/13/2012 16:06:00 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: yes
08/13/2012 16:06:02 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: yes
08/13/2012 16:06:02 valerie kibler from home: yes
08/13/2012 16:06:06 Meghan Percival: yes
08/13/2012 16:06:35 heidi craft from henrico, va: eys
08/13/2012 16:06:36 heidi craft from henrico, va: yes
08/13/2012 16:06:38 Chris Waugaman: The minutes are approved. My window is too small to count – but I think we are ok.
08/13/2012 16:07:00 Chris Waugaman: Val – Treasurer’s Report?
08/13/2012 16:07:03 valerie kibler from home: Chris sent a copy of the Treasurer’s report out to everyone
08/13/2012 16:07:09 valerie kibler from home: as you can see, we’re doing pretty well
08/13/2012 16:07:20 valerie kibler from home: over 10K with Edward Jones
08/13/2012 16:07:35 valerie kibler from home: JEA state membership is still about the same
08/13/2012 16:07:53 valerie kibler from home: a few new renewals coming in now
08/13/2012 16:08:04 Chris Waugaman: Good for them!
08/13/2012 16:08:05 valerie kibler from home: will send an email blast once I get settled at school
08/13/2012 16:08:39 Chris Waugaman: Make sure we get together on the google docs thing before we blast the email.
08/13/2012 16:08:45 valerie kibler from home: yep
08/13/2012 16:09:14 valerie kibler from home: so the balance as you can see in the report is 18,662.32
08/13/2012 16:10:08 valerie kibler from home: any questions?
08/13/2012 16:10:09 Chris Waugaman: So the next meeting is at the resort, right?
08/13/2012 16:10:22 valerie kibler from home: uh, nope, but good try
08/13/2012 16:10:29 heidi craft from henrico, va: did y’all stop the mic? i lost sound
08/13/2012 16:10:32 Chris Waugaman: Had to try.
08/13/2012 16:10:45 Chris Waugaman: Yup we stopped the mic – nobody wanted to play.
08/13/2012 16:10:53 heidi craft from henrico, va: okay, just checking
08/13/2012 16:10:54 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I closed the mic–husband & TV!
08/13/2012 16:11:33 Chris Waugaman: Ok – I think we might talk about potential scholarships with the money later in the meeting, right?
08/13/2012 16:11:45 valerie kibler from home: yes
08/13/2012 16:11:52 Chris Waugaman: Anything new from JEA?
08/13/2012 16:11:54 valerie kibler from home: need a motion to accept the treasurer’s report
08/13/2012 16:11:58 valerie kibler from home: nothing new right now
08/13/2012 16:12:01 Chris Waugaman: Ooops – motion?
08/13/2012 16:12:06 heidi craft from henrico, va: so moved
08/13/2012 16:12:06 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: so move
08/13/2012 16:12:14 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: second
08/13/2012 16:12:21 Chris Waugaman: I think we have two there. All in favor say yes.
08/13/2012 16:12:22 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: yes
08/13/2012 16:12:23 Meghan Percival: yea
08/13/2012 16:12:26 heidi craft from henrico, va: yes
08/13/2012 16:12:26 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: yes
08/13/2012 16:12:27 valerie kibler from home: yes
08/13/2012 16:12:44 Chris Waugaman: Ok – so the Treasurer’s Report is passed for August.
08/13/2012 16:13:09 Chris Waugaman: Lisa – what is on tap for the first week of October? 🙂
08/13/2012 16:13:33 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Not JEA Report first?
08/13/2012 16:13:37 Lisa Giles from VHSL: I can go…
08/13/2012 16:13:51 Chris Waugaman: I think – Val – just pushed us along.
08/13/2012 16:13:55 valerie kibler from home: JEA report is the same –
08/13/2012 16:13:56 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Oh. My bad.
08/13/2012 16:13:57 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Okay.
08/13/2012 16:14:09 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Well, Championship week, as per usual.
08/13/2012 16:14:13 valerie kibler from home: membership about 100
08/13/2012 16:14:17 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Oct 1 – Fredericksburg
08/13/2012 16:14:21 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Oct 3 – Roanoke
08/13/2012 16:14:25 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Oct 5 – Richmond
08/13/2012 16:14:41 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Some of our national speakers include John Dalke
08/13/2012 16:14:45 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Bobby Hawthorne
08/13/2012 16:14:48 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Mark Murray
08/13/2012 16:14:50 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Cindy Todd
08/13/2012 16:15:00 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Bruce Watterson
08/13/2012 16:15:12 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Melissa Wantz… who will be our online news person.
08/13/2012 16:15:15 Lisa Giles from VHSL: She’s outstanding.
08/13/2012 16:15:19 heidi craft from henrico, va: great group !
08/13/2012 16:15:50 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Pricing is the same.
08/13/2012 16:16:24 Lisa Giles from VHSL: In addition to online news, we also hope to have some a broadcasting strand
08/13/2012 16:16:33 Chris Waugaman: Great line-up! Will you need additional speakers or do you have enough?
08/13/2012 16:16:42 Lisa Giles from VHSL: since we now have championships in both.
08/13/2012 16:17:02 Lisa Giles from VHSL: There is 1 or 2 more national folks that we’re waiting for final confirmation on.
08/13/2012 16:17:12 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Then we’ll go to our locals to fill in some gaps
08/13/2012 16:17:20 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Martha Akers of Loudoun Valley is working on that.
08/13/2012 16:17:32 Lisa Giles from VHSL: But she’ll be contacting folks soon to fill in at the local areas.
08/13/2012 16:17:48 Lisa Giles from VHSL: I think she’s waiting for people to get back in school.
08/13/2012 16:18:06 Chris Waugaman: Gotcha
08/13/2012 16:18:24 Lisa Giles from VHSL: That’s it on championships unless there are questions.
08/13/2012 16:18:55 Chris Waugaman: Anything about the state writing, etc. cntests?
08/13/2012 16:19:10 Lisa Giles from VHSL: First, thanks to all of you who have judged!
08/13/2012 16:19:27 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Phase I’s are in, and many of Phase II’s are in as well.
08/13/2012 16:19:51 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Those who made the Top 5, we’ve asked advisers to send us copies so we can have for championships.
08/13/2012 16:20:12 Chris Waugaman: Ok – are PDF’s ok?
08/13/2012 16:20:19 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Mailing Phase IIs has helped a lot…
08/13/2012 16:20:31 Lisa Giles from VHSL: We had such difficulty assembling everyone on a Saturday in mid-August.
08/13/2012 16:20:38 Lisa Giles from VHSL: PDFs are fine.
08/13/2012 16:20:51 Lisa Giles from VHSL: picture files are a bit easier to manipulate, but PDFS are fine
08/13/2012 16:21:11 Chris Waugaman: Is that something we should facebook and tweet? Or do people know?
08/13/2012 16:21:39 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Actually, at the very top of the e-mail with the list of Top 5s, there was a comment about sending in the finalists.
08/13/2012 16:21:45 Lisa Giles from VHSL: I FB’d and Tweeted it
08/13/2012 16:21:54 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Feel free to retweet or Share!
08/13/2012 16:22:04 Chris Waugaman: Ok – I will share it again – and get Erinn to help out with the tweets.
08/13/2012 16:22:11 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Excellent. Thanks.
08/13/2012 16:22:24 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Many have sent them in.,
08/13/2012 16:22:27 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Many haven’t as well.
08/13/2012 16:22:28 heidi craft from henrico, va: what is the vhsl twitter address? how about vajta? I am going to search those now
08/13/2012 16:22:30 valerie kibler from home: broadcast and online go toward wachovia cup this next year?
08/13/2012 16:22:35 valerie kibler from home: or wells fargo
08/13/2012 16:22:37 Lisa Giles from VHSL: @vhsl_activities
08/13/2012 16:22:37 valerie kibler from home: sorry
08/13/2012 16:22:45 Lisa Giles from VHSL:
08/13/2012 16:22:50 valerie kibler from home: the banks change every time you blink!
08/13/2012 16:22:57 Chris Waugaman:
08/13/2012 16:23:14 Lisa Giles from VHSL: ha ha
08/13/2012 16:23:33 Lisa Giles from VHSL: I need to confirm that, but it is certainly what was asked for.
08/13/2012 16:23:39 valerie kibler from home: great
08/13/2012 16:24:00 Chris Waugaman: What are the deadline dates for broadcast and online -June 15?
08/13/2012 16:24:05 Lisa Giles from VHSL: It got in in kind of an non-traditional manner with executive committee this spring, so I just need to make sure, but that was the intention, yes.
08/13/2012 16:24:19 Lisa Giles from VHSL: The broadcast deadline is june 15 like the others.
08/13/2012 16:25:00 Lisa Giles from VHSL: the online deadline kind of works like fall delivery yearbooks… since the content is expected to be active and changing, judges will need ot access sites throughout the school year.
08/13/2012 16:25:19 Lisa Giles from VHSL: So ENTRY deadline is
08/13/2012 16:25:49 Lisa Giles from VHSL: October 15
08/13/2012 16:26:03 Lisa Giles from VHSL: I don’t know if that made sense.
08/13/2012 16:26:10 valerie kibler from home: can schools enter more than one website?
08/13/2012 16:26:12 Chris Waugaman: Ok – so site should be available after that date for some time.
08/13/2012 16:26:30 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Entry deadline is 10/15 and judges will be accessing sites throughout the year.
08/13/2012 16:26:35 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Yes.
08/13/2012 16:26:48 Lisa Giles from VHSL: One site per school.
08/13/2012 16:27:03 Lisa Giles from VHSL: If the school has more than one, it’s up to the school to select.
08/13/2012 16:27:10 valerie kibler from home: okie dokie
08/13/2012 16:27:30 Lisa Giles from VHSL: BTW, big THANK YOU to Cheryl DeVincentis for her work on helping put together the Broadcast criteria!
08/13/2012 16:27:42 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: You are SO WELCOME!!!
08/13/2012 16:27:44 Lisa Giles from VHSL: She was a huge help.
08/13/2012 16:28:18 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Is the online category for HS only or is there a MS division?
08/13/2012 16:28:18 Chris Waugaman: Awesome!
08/13/2012 16:28:28 Lisa Giles from VHSL: And of course, Val and others for their work on the online.
08/13/2012 16:28:37 Lisa Giles from VHSL: There is no middle school division.
08/13/2012 16:29:16 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Thanks for the info.
08/13/2012 16:29:23 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Yep.
08/13/2012 16:29:31 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Any other ?s
08/13/2012 16:29:47 heidi craft from henrico, va: nope, thanks for your hard work, too, Lisa
08/13/2012 16:29:50 Chris Waugaman: Thank you, Lisa.
08/13/2012 16:29:55 Lisa Giles from VHSL: You’re welcome.
08/13/2012 16:30:06 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: It’s amazing how large VHSL has become.!
08/13/2012 16:30:15 Lisa Giles from VHSL: 😉
08/13/2012 16:30:33 Chris Waugaman: So I guess I am up with website, etc.
08/13/2012 16:31:08 Chris Waugaman: Erinn said she is willing to be our big TWEEER this year – so I am excited about that.
08/13/2012 16:31:24 Chris Waugaman: Tweeter – too muc typing!
08/13/2012 16:31:29 Chris Waugaman: much!
08/13/2012 16:31:37 Lisa Giles from VHSL: ha
08/13/2012 16:31:58 Chris Waugaman: Um – so I took it upon myself to rework the website – last night.
08/13/2012 16:32:54 Chris Waugaman: The old theme – was starting to work on my nerves and it was a WordPress 2.0 site – so I wanted to update it to 3.4 but Webmsters was proving difficult. So I went to my old standby the Structure theme.
08/13/2012 16:33:17 Chris Waugaman: Structure is a 2.4 or so theme. Anyway…
08/13/2012 16:33:35 Chris Waugaman: It is different, if you have checked it out.
08/13/2012 16:34:06 valerie kibler from home: looks good!
08/13/2012 16:34:09 heidi craft from henrico, va: what do you need us to do? just read through things?
08/13/2012 16:34:15 Chris Waugaman: Same menu, etc. – slider, etc. social media stuff. But I think we can utilize video and sound more on the front page.
08/13/2012 16:34:21 Chris Waugaman: Good question Heidi.
08/13/2012 16:34:25 valerie kibler from home: jDay dates – April 12-13 you can add
08/13/2012 16:34:44 Chris Waugaman: Oops – I thoght is was 19 I forgot we moved it up.
08/13/2012 16:35:44 Chris Waugaman: I would like to do something like Aaron Manfull has done – with posting key topics at key times of the year. I will shoot you tonight your login and password. Could you post
08/13/2012 16:36:26 Chris Waugaman: … a beginning of the school year lesson. We definitley cold use yearbook ones and broadcast ones.
08/13/2012 16:36:54 Chris Waugaman: If yo have trouble posting using the login just email it to me at [email protected]
08/13/2012 16:37:07 Meghan Percival: I can certainly post some yearbook ones – can you resend me my login info?
08/13/2012 16:37:22 Chris Waugaman: I think my keyboard is broken – it couldn’t possibly be my typing.
08/13/2012 16:37:35 heidi craft from henrico, va: I have lessons I can post too relating to yearbook as well as the beg. of the year
08/13/2012 16:37:42 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I have a first day get-to-know-you interview assn for beginners. It becomes part of their final exam.
08/13/2012 16:38:04 Chris Waugaman: Yes – Meghan – I am gong to email everyone their login and password along with the instructions.
08/13/2012 16:38:24 Chris Waugaman: I swear I typed an i in going!
08/13/2012 16:39:14 Chris Waugaman: We only have 169 likes on facebook – so if you cold push it with your staff too and we should include it in the email blast also.
08/13/2012 16:40:06 Chris Waugaman: If your staff has a facebook page let me know and we will promote it on our facebook as well.
08/13/2012 16:40:34 Chris Waugaman: Any questions?
08/13/2012 16:40:43 valerie kibler from home: nope!
08/13/2012 16:40:53 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: sounds good
08/13/2012 16:40:56 heidi craft from henrico, va: okay
08/13/2012 16:41:33 Chris Waugaman: Val – do you want to talk about jcamp?
08/13/2012 16:41:46 heidi craft from henrico, va: sorry, gang. I need to leave the meeting for a bit.
08/13/2012 16:41:53 valerie kibler from home: we’re on for June 23-27 next year at Washington and Lee
08/13/2012 16:41:58 Chris Waugaman: No problem Heidi
08/13/2012 16:42:02 valerie kibler from home: Chris and I are finalizing a contract with them
08/13/2012 16:42:15 valerie kibler from home: they are excited to have us and the cost is dropping dramatically
08/13/2012 16:42:47 valerie kibler from home: We think we will be down to $350 or $375
08/13/2012 16:42:50 Meghan Percival: exciting!
08/13/2012 16:42:56 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: wow
08/13/2012 16:43:03 valerie kibler from home: will have early bird registration
08/13/2012 16:43:04 Chris Waugaman: Amen!
08/13/2012 16:43:17 valerie kibler from home: W & L will be designing a new website
08/13/2012 16:43:25 valerie kibler from home: and doing save the date mailings
08/13/2012 16:43:32 valerie kibler from home: and registration forms
08/13/2012 16:43:48 valerie kibler from home: Cheryl, we’d love to push a broadcasting strand
08/13/2012 16:44:01 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I’ll see what I can do to help!
08/13/2012 16:44:12 valerie kibler from home: it’s a terrific time for schools to work together and staffs to bond
08/13/2012 16:45:15 valerie kibler from home: anything to add Chris?
08/13/2012 16:46:13 valerie kibler from home: looks like we lost him momentariyl
08/13/2012 16:46:20 valerie kibler from home: and I picked up his typing skills
08/13/2012 16:46:23 Chris Waugaman: Yup I was kicked out.
08/13/2012 16:46:56 Chris Waugaman: I just added Michael Todd has already started working on the website.
08/13/2012 16:47:14 valerie kibler from home: yea, they are on top of things
08/13/2012 16:47:27 Chris Waugaman: Very much so.
08/13/2012 16:48:13 valerie kibler from home: jDay now?
08/13/2012 16:48:14 Chris Waugaman: We also made it very well known at jcamp this year that we were moving so hopefully the students who can come back will be excited.
08/13/2012 16:48:31 Chris Waugaman: Sure jday.
08/13/2012 16:48:55 valerie kibler from home: ok, we have confirmed Sarah Nichols from California for design and yearbook emphasis as a keynote speaker
08/13/2012 16:49:12 valerie kibler from home: and Steve JOhnson from the Univerisity of Florida
08/13/2012 16:49:16 valerie kibler from home: a young phenom
08/13/2012 16:49:26 Meghan Percival: fabtastic!
08/13/2012 16:49:28 Chris Waugaman: Wow – impressive!
08/13/2012 16:49:30 valerie kibler from home: who has done photography for ESPN and Sports Illustrated
08/13/2012 16:49:35 valerie kibler from home: at 22
08/13/2012 16:49:37 valerie kibler from home: years old
08/13/2012 16:49:46 valerie kibler from home: he started stringing for them in high school
08/13/2012 16:49:54 Meghan Percival: wow
08/13/2012 16:49:55 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Amazing! That should excite the kids!
08/13/2012 16:49:58 valerie kibler from home: and is so on top of back pack journalism
08/13/2012 16:50:28 valerie kibler from home: Cheryl, we’d love to have you do a broadcasting track and organize some speakers
08/13/2012 16:50:45 valerie kibler from home: meghan and charlotte did so well getting more teachers there last year
08/13/2012 16:50:52 valerie kibler from home: love to have that in broadcasting
08/13/2012 16:51:06 valerie kibler from home: especially with the new emphasis from VHSL
08/13/2012 16:51:31 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: We’re getting the group organized in Fairfax. It’s been a long haul. Will fill you in at some point.
08/13/2012 16:51:44 valerie kibler from home: it will be April 12-13 and everyone will be automatically entered in write-offs with the registration cost
08/13/2012 16:51:50 valerie kibler from home: we liked the way that worked last year
08/13/2012 16:52:12 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I should have time to work something out by then.
08/13/2012 16:52:13 valerie kibler from home: if kids don’t want to be involved, they can do the swap shop
08/13/2012 16:52:29 valerie kibler from home: but Erinn did a fabulous job with setting that up
08/13/2012 16:52:36 valerie kibler from home: and has agreed to do it again this year
08/13/2012 16:52:46 valerie kibler from home: Pam – luncheon again?
08/13/2012 16:52:54 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: sure
08/13/2012 16:53:05 valerie kibler from home: knew we could count on you
08/13/2012 16:53:14 valerie kibler from home: loved having everyone eat together last year
08/13/2012 16:53:18 valerie kibler from home: made it nicer for the kids
08/13/2012 16:53:38 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: It worked out great
08/13/2012 16:53:50 valerie kibler from home: yep, so same food arrangements again
08/13/2012 16:54:04 valerie kibler from home: and Bradley Wilson will once again be Friday night photography
08/13/2012 16:54:11 valerie kibler from home: he’s agreed to come back from Texas
08/13/2012 16:54:26 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Can someone send me a program from past events. Since I’ve never been to one, it would help to know what sort of programs you offer.
08/13/2012 16:54:41 valerie kibler from home: sure, I can
08/13/2012 16:54:45 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Thanks!
08/13/2012 16:54:55 valerie kibler from home: Chris, will you send everyone a list of new members and emails
08/13/2012 16:54:56 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: I would like one as well!
08/13/2012 16:55:13 valerie kibler from home: we need to make sure that all board members are current with VAJTA and JEA membership
08/13/2012 16:55:33 valerie kibler from home: I can send to everyone – or we can post on the website
08/13/2012 16:55:42 Chris Waugaman: Yes – i can send the list – here is a link to the jday info
08/13/2012 16:55:49 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Hahaha! I told Erinn I needed to actually join VAJTA!
08/13/2012 16:55:59 valerie kibler from home: lol, yep!
08/13/2012 16:56:06 valerie kibler from home: the form is on our website
08/13/2012 16:56:19 valerie kibler from home: join JEA through VAJTA – we get a $5 kickback
08/13/2012 16:56:22 Chris Waugaman: It is actually on the slider right now
08/13/2012 16:56:25 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Hey, everyone. I gotta run. Gotta take my nephew home.
08/13/2012 16:56:31 Chris Waugaman: Thanks Lisa
08/13/2012 16:56:37 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: my membership this year is coming from ASNE. You should receive it soon.
08/13/2012 16:56:39 Lisa Giles from VHSL: You’re welcome. Thank you all.
08/13/2012 16:56:42 Lisa Giles from VHSL: Goodnight.
08/13/2012 16:56:42 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: Bye Lisa
08/13/2012 16:56:50 Chris Waugaman: Link to join
08/13/2012 16:56:52 valerie kibler from home: bye!
08/13/2012 16:57:03 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Bye, Lisa!
08/13/2012 16:57:40 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I have a JEA membership already. Just need to add ours.
08/13/2012 16:57:53 valerie kibler from home: thats just $10, then
08/13/2012 16:58:03 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Okee dokee1
08/13/2012 16:58:34 Chris Waugaman: Val – I don’t know how we would find a better venue as far as space but is there any thought to eventually changing location for JDAY?
08/13/2012 16:59:02 valerie kibler from home: it can rotate easily
08/13/2012 16:59:10 valerie kibler from home: as long as someone wants to take it on!
08/13/2012 16:59:26 Chris Waugaman: My finger is on my nose right now 🙂
08/13/2012 16:59:37 valerie kibler from home: get your finger out of your nose, boy!
08/13/2012 16:59:46 Chris Waugaman: Not in – on!
08/13/2012 16:59:48 valerie kibler from home: it’s your anniversary – nose picking is a turn- off
08/13/2012 17:00:03 Meghan Percival: I think we could find some Northern Virginia hosts – maybe people from out of the area could combine it with a visit to the Newseum?
08/13/2012 17:00:15 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Nice thoughyt, Meghan!
08/13/2012 17:00:20 Meghan Percival: Or maybe Washington and Lee would like to host us?
08/13/2012 17:00:33 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Ok–the typing monster is hitting all of us!
08/13/2012 17:01:02 valerie kibler from home: they might – maybe come up with some proposals for the next meeting and let’s move it in 2014?
08/13/2012 17:01:08 Meghan Percival: I’m happy to look in to it – but were thinking for 2014, right? 2013 is alreadey locked in?
08/13/2012 17:01:14 valerie kibler from home: yep
08/13/2012 17:01:20 Meghan Percival: cool
08/13/2012 17:01:47 Chris Waugaman: We could do a preview to JEA/NSPA 2014:)
08/13/2012 17:01:55 Meghan Percival: ahhhhhhh!
08/13/2012 17:01:58 valerie kibler from home: yep
08/13/2012 17:01:59 Chris Waugaman: in NOVA 🙂
08/13/2012 17:02:30 Chris Waugaman: Ok – I am on another computer and don’t have my agenda… what is left?
08/13/2012 17:02:43 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: As an outsider looking in – after tromping to NY and back in March, the Newseum visit might help me justify another day out of school. (in April, right!?)
08/13/2012 17:02:56 valerie kibler from home: new business
08/13/2012 17:03:31 valerie kibler from home: membership – I will try to spend a day getting stuff together before the after-labor day schools get back in to send out to membership
08/13/2012 17:03:45 Chris Waugaman: Right Betsy. If you do CSPA and SIPA – the third one is a tough one.
08/13/2012 17:04:29 Chris Waugaman: I didn’t hear from Carol about tonight – I know that they are trying to do something similar to Second Saturday but not as often.
08/13/2012 17:04:56 Chris Waugaman: I will be sure to post any info on the web and facebook.
08/13/2012 17:05:23 valerie kibler from home: yep, she is still working on that
08/13/2012 17:05:34 Chris Waugaman: Val – what was our membership for last year in VA?
08/13/2012 17:05:45 valerie kibler from home: right around 100
08/13/2012 17:05:50 valerie kibler from home: 6th largest state
08/13/2012 17:06:08 Chris Waugaman: That is great – for VAJTA and JEA?
08/13/2012 17:06:15 valerie kibler from home: yep
08/13/2012 17:06:21 valerie kibler from home: a tad less for VAJTA
08/13/2012 17:06:32 valerie kibler from home: but as board members, we should be pushing in our areas
08/13/2012 17:06:43 valerie kibler from home: great to have Betsy from that region on board
08/13/2012 17:06:55 valerie kibler from home: we haven’t had a lot of membership from that direction
08/13/2012 17:07:14 Chris Waugaman: Yes – very true
08/13/2012 17:07:15 Meghan Percival: I know we have a lot of new advisers in Farifax – Mary Kay Downes and Alan Weintraut are usually great about letting people know they need to sign up (and that they can get their school to pay for it)
08/13/2012 17:07:34 valerie kibler from home: good, it will be good to get new folks involved
08/13/2012 17:07:39 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: We can get the word out at the inservice in a few weeks.
08/13/2012 17:07:41 valerie kibler from home: i know we had a lot leave and retire
08/13/2012 17:07:59 valerie kibler from home: i will update forms and info soon and send to Chris
08/13/2012 17:08:01 Meghan Percival: As a social studies teacher, I’m not usually at that meeting…
08/13/2012 17:08:50 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: Abingdon is hosting a one day yearbook workshop on August 31 for schools in the surrounding counties. I plan to distribute information to advisers on that day – if we have any turn out
08/13/2012 17:08:54 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: I’ll make contact with the others & work on that one.
08/13/2012 17:09:03 valerie kibler from home: great
08/13/2012 17:09:09 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: We have a bunch of new advisers in our area, I can reach out to them.
08/13/2012 17:09:25 valerie kibler from home: I suppose VHSL will start tracking broadcasting programs now
08/13/2012 17:09:30 valerie kibler from home: so that will be helpful
08/13/2012 17:09:47 Chris Waugaman: Great! Siince it sounds like Betsy and Cheryl are already working for us – I would like to make motion but do we have enough here now to vote?
08/13/2012 17:10:34 valerie kibler from home: yes
08/13/2012 17:10:56 Chris Waugaman: Ok – I would like to make a motion to add Betsy and Cheryl to the Board.
08/13/2012 17:11:08 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: second
08/13/2012 17:11:16 Linda ercer: HEY–HOw do I submit messages
08/13/2012 17:11:20 valerie kibler from home: do you want to add Tim now, too?
08/13/2012 17:11:27 Chris Waugaman: You just did Linda.
08/13/2012 17:11:28 valerie kibler from home: you just did, Linda
08/13/2012 17:11:43 Linda ercer: I guess I have to hit return. Just set up my new mac
08/13/2012 17:12:10 Chris Waugaman: We can add Tim – or we can wait for the next meeting.
08/13/2012 17:12:30 valerie kibler from home: well, if he agreed already, may as well add him now?
08/13/2012 17:12:53 Chris Waugaman: Ok – I also move to add Tim to the Board.
08/13/2012 17:13:45 Chris Waugaman: Second?
08/13/2012 17:13:55 valerie kibler from home: second
08/13/2012 17:14:23 Chris Waugaman: All those is favor of Tim, Betsy and Cherly becoming part of the VAJTA Board say yes.
08/13/2012 17:14:27 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: yes
08/13/2012 17:14:28 Meghan Percival: yes
08/13/2012 17:14:33 Chris Waugaman: yes
08/13/2012 17:14:40 valerie kibler from home: yes
08/13/2012 17:15:23 Chris Waugaman: I don’t think Linda opposes…but any no’s?
08/13/2012 17:15:41 Chris Waugaman: Ok congratulations guys – we are so excited!
08/13/2012 17:15:55 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: Thanks!
08/13/2012 17:15:58 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Thanks! Nice to be part of this group!
08/13/2012 17:16:00 Chris Waugaman: And with that welcome aboard!
08/13/2012 17:16:10 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Champagne?????
08/13/2012 17:16:24 Betsy Brittingham from Altavista, VA: second 🙂
08/13/2012 17:16:33 Chris Waugaman: I will treat you in San Antonio!
08/13/2012 17:16:59 Linda ercer: I was fasr scri=olling thru the erlier meeting conversatins.. I vote yes to the 3 new folks
08/13/2012 17:17:08 Chris Waugaman: Or our next meeting – which is right now slated for Nov 3rd.
08/13/2012 17:17:18 Chris Waugaman: Ok – we have Linda on the record now.
08/13/2012 17:17:21 Linda ercer: And getting used to new ketboard!
08/13/2012 17:17:53 Chris Waugaman: My keyboard has been my enemy tonight.
08/13/2012 17:18:01 Chris Waugaman: Anything else?
08/13/2012 17:18:13 Meghan Percival: Erinn says hi – she has no access from the beach
08/13/2012 17:18:18 valerie kibler from home: poor thing
08/13/2012 17:18:22 Linda ercer: Is Nov. 3 gonna be a face ti face meeting??Hope Hope.
08/13/2012 17:18:27 Chris Waugaman: poor thing
08/13/2012 17:18:44 Meghan Percival: I know, right?
08/13/2012 17:18:58 Chris Waugaman: That is the plan – face to face. Aug is always tough.
08/13/2012 17:19:16 Chris Waugaman: I think two face to face and two online is a nice compromise.
08/13/2012 17:19:22 Meghan Percival: agreed
08/13/2012 17:19:27 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Sounds good
08/13/2012 17:20:25 Linda ercer: So is this the end of meeting? Were you using cameras?
08/13/2012 17:20:27 Chris Waugaman: Ok – i will be in contact – if there is nothing else – then the meeting is adjourned.
08/13/2012 17:20:39 Chris Waugaman: No cameras – just typing
08/13/2012 17:20:45 Pam Necessary from Abingdon, Virginia: Bye
08/13/2012 17:20:48 Cheryl DeVincentis from Reston, VA: Bye
08/13/2012 17:20:49 valerie kibler from home: bye bye!
08/13/2012 17:20:51 Linda ercer: Aww–just when I got one to use.
08/13/2012 17:20:52 Meghan Percival: bye
08/13/2012 17:20:55 Chris Waugaman: Bye everyone!
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 6/16/12
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 3/12/12
Meeting was held online via website

VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 8/22/11
Meeting was held online via website
Chris Waugaman: Hi Pam!
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Linda here– how are all of you??
Chris Waugaman: Hi Linda – fine
Chris Waugaman: Can everyone see the chat message?
Pamela Necessary: Hello
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Yep
Pamela Necessary: I can see it
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Hi Pam–wanna plan a lunch ? 🙂
Fred Campbell from Salem: I’m here
Pamela Necessary: Sure
Chris Waugaman: Hi Fred and Pam!
Fred Campbell from Salem: Hey Chris
Pamela Necessary: Hi Chris
Chris Waugaman: I had the audio working a while ago and then when I went to record the chat it stopped.
Erinn Harris: I’m on the phone with hold music…is that right?
Erinn Harris: Hi guys 🙂
Chris Waugaman: Hi Erinn – I am not sure about the sound. I really don’t want to have to be on the phone too.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Are we supposed to dial that number, too? I just jumped into the chat box
Erinn Harris: If the chat box is all we need, I’ll hang up!
Pamela Necessary: I hung up on the hold music when I saw that the chat was working
Chris Waugaman: I think we will just stick with the chat in the text box.
Fred Campbell from Salem: I jumped in the hat, too.
Chris Waugaman: Did everyone get a copy of the agenda too?
Fred Campbell from Salem: Chat, not hat
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: yep
Erinn Harris: Word. The music was terrible. Yes, got the agenda.
Pamela Necessary: yes
Fred Campbell from Salem: yep
Chris Waugaman: Hi Lisa
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Hi, Chris! And everyone.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Hello Lisa
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: 🙂
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: have we taken a nap?
Erinn Harris: I woke up from one for the meeting 🙂
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: i asssume you are not back at school yet. Our kids went today.
Pamela Necessary: We started last Wednesday
Erinn Harris: Nope. We go back Monday, kids start 9/6.
Fred Campbell from Salem: What’s happening?
Erinn Harris: Nothing yet, I don’t think.
Chris from Petersburg: Ok sorry about that – I just got locked out of the text chat
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Me too– had to reboot it
Chris Waugaman: Do you want to start before my screen locks up again? 🙂
Erinn Harris: Sounds good.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: yes
Fred Campbell from Salem: Yes let’s go
Pamela Necessary: yes
Chris Waugaman: I tried pulling up the agenda in another screen and the text window froze – so don’t try checking your facebook
Erinn Harris: Okay.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – the first thing on the agenda is always board members and you may know that a few members have notified us about no longer being able to serve
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: who?
Chris Waugaman: So I wanted to mention that Jeanne Hobbs from Jamestown is going to be leaving us
Chris Waugaman: She has a lot on her plate. Also I think that Amy Poe is no longer working in publications too.
Chris Waugaman: So I asked Heidi Craft who is from Atlee in Richmond and she said she would do it. I think she would be great and a person from Richmond and Hanover
Chris Waugaman: She couldn’t make this meeting but will hopefully be with us in person at the next one.
Chris Waugaman: Anyone else no of someone especially from the VA beach area?
Chris Waugaman: KNow
Fred Campbell from Salem: nope
Pamela Necessary: no
Erinn Harris: Who brought all the kids to JDAy from VA Beach?
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: not at the moment
Chris Waugaman: Good question Erinn – I will ask Valerie
Erinn Harris: They had tons of kids there – wonder if their adviser would be interested.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Fran Sharer may know someone,if she’s still there
Chris Waugaman: The school was Bayside
Chris Waugaman: I can look it up too.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – well be thinking about it. I was excited that we could get Heidi – we just need to get connected back to the VA beach area.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Chris Felton is the YB adviser from Bayside.
Chris Waugaman: Next on the agenda is minutes. I put a link to our website.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Kevin Norris does NP.
Chris Waugaman: Oh thank you Lisa
Chris Waugaman: I think it was Chris Felton.
Erinn Harris: Chris: Meghan Percival is trying to join the webinar and her computer won’t let her join the meeting.
Erinn Harris: Any advice?
Chris Waugaman: Ok we will contact him again.
Chris Waugaman: Um – try Firefox and tell her to maybe accept cookies?
Chris Waugaman: did she have the address?
Erinn Harris: Okie doke – just told her.
Erinn Harris: Yes.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – back to minutes. Anyone want to make a motion to accept the minutes
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I so move
Chris Waugaman: Second
Chris Waugaman: All in favor of passing the minutes say “I”
Erinn Harris: I
Fred Campbell from Salem: I
Pamela Necessary: I
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I
Chris Waugaman: Ok – the minutes are approved
Chris Waugaman: Next on the agenda is the tresasurer’s report – and Val said she might make it late
Chris Waugaman: So we can move to VHSL…
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Thanks, Chris.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: For Rules Clinics, they should be up and running by 9/1.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: They will be electronic only.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: And advisers have all of September and October to take them.
Fred Campbell from Salem: Cool
Chris Waugaman: Very cool
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: They’re brief… maybe 30 minutes.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: has this message gone to all schools so adv. know this?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Yes, it has.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Well, something similar…
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Know that there was one that went out to ADs earlier that was athletics only.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Yippee! Hope those ADs pass it on to them
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Some ADs are confusing the athletic requirements (now that they are online for the first time this year) with the activities requirements.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: They are different.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: When they’re ready, I’ll send something directly to ADs as well as directly to the advisers.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: It’s a different tool that we’re using this year, too. Much more streamlined than last year’s.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Any ?s on rules clinics?
Erinn Harris: Nope.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Alrighty. Moving on…
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: WPD Contest…
Chris Waugaman: No questions
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: I sent out YB finalists last week, or the week before. Haven’t sent out NP or MG finalists yet because they’re not quite available.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: That should be this week.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: When they’re ready, I’ll get them out.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: And as per usual, will need finalists to send pic files or PDFs (preferably pic files) for the championship presentation.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: We added a line to the form asking advisers to send their files in electronically in advance since many of them purge over the summer, but only a few did it.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Other than that, I have no other items. And can move on to RPC if you’d like.
Erinn Harris: I’m good at nagging if you need someone to do that.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Martha won’t be joining since she’s at a doctor’s appointment.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Erinn, nag away! Thank you!
Chris Waugaman: My only question is – are some of the first round items not back yet?
Erinn Harris: Cool – if you send me a list of the advisers you need materials from, I’ll take care of it.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Always need that.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: No, all first rounds are back.
Chris Waugaman: From WPD judging?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Erinn, I can do that.
Chris Waugaman: Ok
Chris Waugaman: Any other questions?
Chris Waugaman: Ok – moving on
Chris Waugaman: RPC
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Chris, sorry. Actually not all first rounds are back. There was a special case with NP and one or two sections of MAG that haven’t come back
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: sorry.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Ok, RPC.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Regional Publications Championship
Fred Campbell from Salem: One MAG section will be back by end of week, if not sooner
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Carol is trying to get into the system– any advice ?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: LOL… thanks, Fred. That’s round 2.
Fred Campbell from Salem: Oops, ok
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: NP
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: (no problem, not newspaper)
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Ummm.. Okay, RPC.
Chris Waugaman: Tell Carol to try again – I just disconnected her
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Right before this meeting, I sent out a blast for registration.
Chris Waugaman: I got it Lisa
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: OK
Fred Campbell from Salem: me too
Erinn Harris: Ditto.
Pamela Necessary: I got it, too
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: me too
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Special Guest Speakers are Nancy Hastings, Jeff Nardone, Casey Nichols, Jake Palenske, Bruce Waterson, Shannon Williams and Kathleen Zwiebel.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Bruce Waterson will be doing the keynote.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Jake Palenske is also doing a Convergence Bootcamp special strand.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Martha Akers is in the process of soliciting additional VA speakers for each city.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Dates: 10/3 in Fredericksburg
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: 10/5 in Roanoke
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: 10/7 in Richmond
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: We did add a workshop only option.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: and kept the luncheon only option
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: of course in addition to the full program option
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: We WILL have campionship t-shirts this year
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: That will mimick the athletic shirts and include trophy class publications and first place publications
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: they will be on sale right after the awards luncheon
Chris Waugaman: ok – was there a problem last year?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: yes, it was
Chris Waugaman: Welcome back Carol
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: but it’s all good for this year
Chris Waugaman: Great!
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: likewise, we will be able to offer the t-shirt design contest
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: for students only
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: who want to take a shot at designing the front of that t-shirt
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: that was also in the blast I just sent
Chris Waugaman: Erinn can you text Meghan to tell her to try again – sorry Lisa for typing over you
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: no prob
Erinn Harris: I just did 🙂
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: so Meghan nevr got into this webinar?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: and… i think that’s all I have for now…
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: unless there are ?s
Chris Waugaman: Lisa – will there be a paper ad coming to the school about RPC?
Erinn Harris: She just tried again, and all the screen says is “loading.”
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Yep.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: They are being printed as I type and should arrive in advisers’ mailboxes by 9/6
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: the first day of school for most
Chris Waugaman: Ok – great
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: sent to advisers by discipline
Chris Waugaman: Any other questions about RPC?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: so each school should receive 3
Chris Waugaman: Ok – we can move on I guess to website/Facebook
Chris Waugaman: I still don’t know what to tell Meghan – Erinn 🙁
Chris Waugaman: Is she at school
Chris Waugaman: ?
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Hate to “eat and run” folks, but I have another meeting.
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Thanks!
Erinn Harris: Doubtful. I’ll ask.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – thanks Lisa
Lisa Giles from VHSL, Charlottesville: Erinn, I’ll get that list to you 🙂
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: toodles 🙂
Carol Lange: Sorry to interrupt, but is this reaching anyone? Everyone?
Erinn Harris: Hi Carol.
Chris Waugaman: Hi Carol
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Now it is
Pamela Necessary: Hi Carol
Fred Campbell from Salem: Hey Carol
Carol Lange: Thank goodness. I hated being an eavesdropper.
Chris Waugaman: No – we knew you were there.
Carol Lange: Hello everyone. Good to be in touch.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – so real quick with Facebook – we have been doing pretty well
Erinn Harris: Lots of new “Likes” – I was excited!
Chris Waugaman: We have doubled our numbers since jcamp – we now have 127 people following our posts
Chris Waugaman: I think we should really try to reach out at the beginning of the year
Chris Waugaman: Let’s try to get as many people to like it as possible. Promote it to your fellow teachers and students to visit the page
Carol Lange: How many of the “Likes” are teachers in Virginia?
Chris Waugaman: I would say estimated about 30-40 probably
Chris Waugaman: I haven’t tried to identify where everyone is from yet
Carol Lange: Do you see this as a vehicle to communicate with VAJTA members and to get VAJTA members?
Chris Waugaman: Yes definitely – and more as a vehicle to inform them of the events that are coming up
Erinn Harris: If we can get as many as possible to “Like” it, I say yes.
Chris Waugaman: I think our posts for jCamp hopefully will entice people for next year
Chris Waugaman: I think we can get students to network this way too
Chris Waugaman: When we post items people can tag the people involved in the posts and then this draws traffic
Erinn Harris: We did a raffle at TJ to get more people to like our page; get 500 likes and all the fans’ names will be put in for a raffle for something. We could do that for RPC – raffle off a t-shirt or something more curricular.
Carol Lange: Should Valerie use the e-group to ask VAJTA members to tell other publication-related people in their schools about both the website and Facebook?
Chris Waugaman: We could do that – yes we need to do an email blast at the beginnning of the year with a “To do list” for the start of school
Chris Waugaman: Liking facebook VAJTA could be one of them.
Chris Waugaman: Other stats about facebook
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: thatwould reach a lot of folks wouldn’t it?
Chris Waugaman: We have over 100 monthly active users – which means they are seeing what we post
Chris Waugaman: We average around 50 weekly and 15-20 daily
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I’m referring to Val’s data base
Chris Waugaman: Yes that would
Carol Lange: How long has it been since we have tried to contact all of the English supervisors in the state? To communicate about VAJTA and our services … to tell the new journalism teachers and advisers in their jurisdictions.
Chris Waugaman: I finally installed Google Analytics for our web page and was amazed at the info for the last month
Chris Waugaman: Not sure about that Carol
Chris Waugaman: I don’t think it has been done for a while – but that would be good because many schools do not have advisers
Carol Lange: Do you think we should try this?
Chris Waugaman: The stats on the site are…
Chris Waugaman: 327 visits this past month
Chris Waugaman: 197 visits to the Lesson Plan pages
Chris Waugaman: The one on Best Journalism Quotes and Newspaper Design had a lot of hits
Chris Waugaman: But 100 came to the main page alone
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Eng. supervisers are mroe likely topass info than ADs,maybe
Chris Waugaman: I agree Linda
Chris Waugaman: I would like to do a map on our page
Chris Waugaman: One like the JEADigital page does – showing were our publications are
Erinn Harris: That could be cool.
Chris Waugaman: I think this would do wonders in connecting with our neighbors
Chris Waugaman: I will start working on this and hopefully have it up before Sept 1
Erinn Harris: I’ve been working on a calendar to get “guest bloggers” from all of the regions in VHSL going, but I might need some advice on who to ask.
Erinn Harris: If people are being “published,” they’ll tell people about it.
Chris Waugaman: I agree
Chris Waugaman: Lastly we ran a web page for jCamp too and it had a lot of success
Chris Waugaman: If you are interested it is
Carol Lange: Does link to it?
Chris Waugaman: I would love to promote this at the RPC – but I know from last time – Lisa doesn’t really want us mentioning anything now
Chris Waugaman: Carol – no not yet but I should do that… the obvious things I forget
Erinn Harris: I think her issue was promoting JDAY, wasn’t it?
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: include it on a list of resources for advisers??
Chris Waugaman: mmmee – I am not sure Erinn
Erinn Harris: I’m pretty sure that’s where the conflict was, but I’m not 100% sure either.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Erinn is right I believe
Chris Waugaman: Anyway – there are some good ideas here – I will get started on it.
Chris Waugaman: The last item is something that Carol has been working on
Chris Waugaman: It is the Second Saturday through Newseum and Washington Post
Chris Waugaman: We will be promoting this on our page as well. Hopefully it will draw more traffic
Carol Lange: As the D.C. JEA interim director, I approached the Newseum and Washington Post’s new Young Joung Journalists Development Program director.
Carol Lange: All have agreed to a series of monthly journalism teacher-adviser workshops.
Carol Lange: Our goal is to have 10 teacher-advisers from Maryland, D.C. and Virginia for a total of 30.
Erinn Harris: Every month?
Carol Lange: Yes. Beginning September 10, the second Saturday of nine months.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: same people or 30 new ones each mo?
Carol Lange: The same people.
Carol Lange: We begin in September with Becky Sipos leading on the roles of teacher and adviser.
Carol Lange: We also will have someone from SPLC there. Each month’s meeting will end with a tour of a gallery in the Neweum that connects to the theme of the month.
Carol Lange: Advertising for Second Saturday will begin this week in The Post.
Erinn Harris: Is this geared towards new advisers, experienced ones, or both?
Carol Lange: This should draw traffic to Not only will they be coming to get the registration form, they will see our activies.
Erinn Harris: Just curious 🙂
Carol Lange: It is for new or inexperienced journalism teachers and advisers.
Erinn Harris: Thanks!
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: sounds great- hope 30 will stick with it
Erinn Harris: Ditto, Linda!
Chris Waugaman: I think there will be great interest – especially having it at the Newseum and including Washington Post people
Carol Lange: For those folks who know what they are doing, there will be other Newseum workshops.
Chris Waugaman: How long are teh sessions again?
Chris Waugaman: the
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: glad they are seing their way to reaching out to those who train future journalists
Carol Lange: Yes. Each month’s sessions will be team taught by an experienced high school teacher-adviser and a Post staff member. Including folks from when we discuss going online.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – I am excited
Carol Lange: We begin at 9 a.m. and end at 2 p.m., including time for lunch and the hour tour at the end.
Chris Waugaman: Be on the lookout for more info – this will influence our meetings too
Chris Waugaman: Any other questions about Second Saturdays?
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: no
Carol Lange: To help with the commitment. It costs $20 total for JEA members and $45 for non-JEA members. The ads say to contact me or Valerie for information about becoming JEA members.
Erinn Harris: Nope.
Fred Campbell from Salem: nope
Pamela Necessary: nope
Chris Waugaman: Ok – so we are approaching an hour – so lets get rolling
Chris Waugaman: Quick note on JCAMP…
Chris Waugaman: Val and I did a quick conference with Kelly Wolff after JCAMP
Chris Waugaman: She hasn’t given us the feedback from the campers yet
Chris Waugaman: She did say we took a bit of a hit financially this year
Chris Waugaman: So this is a priority for next year
Chris Waugaman: We definitely need more attendees – and I think we are addressing that issue with promotions this year
Chris Waugaman: We are putting together paper mailings for JCAMP and JDAY together to send to schools
Chris Waugaman: There was no paper registration last year
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: don’t send too early– they’ll get lost in the piles of opening “stuff”
Chris Waugaman: But other than that – not a lot to report – other than we are aiming at July 15-19 for next year – and Kelly is going to get back to us on the dates
Chris Waugaman: I agree Linda
Chris Waugaman: We are shooting for October for the first one and then two more
Chris Waugaman: The last one will be at the beginning of March end of Feb
Erinn Harris: Just as an FYI: those are the same dates as Gettysburg Yearbook Experience.
Chris Waugaman: Any questions?
Fred Campbell from Salem: nope
Chris Waugaman: I know – we discussed that Erinn
Erinn Harris: Word.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: nope
Pamela Necessary: no
Chris Waugaman: I think we thought that the yearbookies we happy with their camps – and it wouldn’t affect the students
Chris Waugaman: However it might influence who we can get as far as instructors
Chris Waugaman: not we happy – were happy
Carol Lange: Will you send work to all publication advisers, including magazine and broadcast?
Chris Waugaman: Yes – because Kelly told us there was late interest in Lit Mag – but Val and I never knew this
Chris Waugaman: We said we had you lined up.
Pamela Necessary: So JCamp does serve all areas of publication, right?
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I thought YB was omitted due to low/ no registrations
Chris Waugaman: Yes – but as far as yearbook – it focuses less on the production of the book and more on photos and leadership
Chris Waugaman: We will take a yearbook student and teach them how to take photos and be an editor
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: alrighty then…
Chris Waugaman: Does that make sense?
Pamela Necessary: Ok, thanks for the clarification
Chris Waugaman: Ok – Carol – is there anything quick you can report about JEA – since Val is not here?
Carol Lange: Only that we need to push for attendance in Minneapolis and Seattle in Spring.
Chris Waugaman: Yes – I have info up on our site for Minneapolis
Carol Lange: If you come to Seattle, I will give a tour of Pike Place Market. One of my college haunts. 🙂
Chris Waugaman: I am there Carol! My wife is coming too.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: will you catch a fish yourself??
Chris Waugaman: I am just interested in the Starbucks 🙂
Chris Waugaman: But I know there is much more!
Carol Lange: I have done it with a YUCK thrown in. Starbucks original is down there too.
Carol Lange: Are we doing a mailing also for combined VAJTA and JEA membership?
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: moving right along…
Carol Lange: How can we get board members in each region to make contacts to get members?
Chris Waugaman: I believe so – I would have to ask Val… on a side note
Chris Waugaman: Would anyone want to take on this task to push for membership renewals? I know Val has a lot on her plate
Erinn Harris: I’ll do it.
Chris Waugaman: Thank you Erinn – just email Val – and I can help you in this area
Erinn Harris: All I need are the spreadsheets of advisers, right?
Carol Lange: That will be great, Erin.
Erinn Harris: Okie doke.
Chris Waugaman: Yes
Erinn Harris: Anything that keeps me from having to grade papers, right? Just kidding! 🙂
Chris Waugaman: Ok – all I will say about JDAY is that per our discussion last time – we are planning on it going on this April as well
Carol Lange: Should board members in each region send Erinn, Valerie, you … all names of new advisers and j teachers?
Chris Waugaman: There was some confusion – but we already have two speakers lined up
Pamela Necessary: I would be happy to try to make contact again with advisers in Southwest, VA to encourage membership
Chris Waugaman: Thank you Pam
Erinn Harris: I’ll get in touch with you guys when I get the spreadsheet, and I’ll send it out in chunks like Val did.
Erinn Harris: Thanks for the help!
Chris Waugaman: Logan Aimone (sp?) from NSPA is coming and Val has someone else too – I have forgotten.
Chris Waugaman: So more to come about that. But we are planning on having it again.
Erinn Harris: Good! I thought it was a good event.
Carol Lange: Tracy Sena (sp) from California
Pamela Necessary: I thought it was good, too
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: it went well and impressed those who attended
Chris Waugaman: Yes – Carol I think you are correct
Chris Waugaman: Yes I think with one year under our belt we can advertise better too.
Chris Waugaman: I think the joint venture with jCamp and jDay will be good
Chris Waugaman: Ok – since we are goin g long – anything to say about the new business items that we haven’t discussed?
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: ??
Fred Campbell from Salem: nope
Carol Lange: We need to think more about mentoring. With the D.C. JEA work, I cannot do what needs to be done. I will help.
Chris Waugaman: Yes – I agree Carol – we never got Mary Kay on board
Carol Lange: I have four teachers whom I am mentoring in D.C.and one in Texas.
Carol Lange: Naomi has expressed interest. But I did not know what to do.
Chris Waugaman: Erinn – can you find out where our new people are when you do the lists of advisers – and I will help when I work on the online map
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: she never shows up–how long has it been since she’s contacted any one?
Erinn Harris: Yup.
Chris Waugaman: I agree Linda – this is a discussion item for November – people who never show
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I suggest this is a topic for face to face in Nov.
Carol Lange: I know. She feels out of touch with everyone. But when Naomi took on projects in FCPS for journallism teachers, they were done well.
Chris Waugaman: Ok – well Carol – let us work on this through email – I don’t want to put this off – because the beginning of the year is the most crucial time
Carol Lange: Please think of retired people who were strong who might be willing to help.
Chris Waugaman: Why don’t we try to each find a new person in our area and I can also put a request out on facebook of helping find new people who need a mentor
Erinn Harris: A new person looking for a mentor or a new mentor?
Chris Waugaman: I was thinking a new person looking for a mentor – I guess we need mentors too
Carol Lange: Sounds good. To seek people who want mentoring and any who would be willing to mentor.
Chris Waugaman: Yes Carol
Chris Waugaman: This goes on my checklist of things to do in the email blast
Chris Waugaman: Ok – I know you guys need to go…
Pamela Necessary: Do mentors need to be members or just experienced?
Erinn Harris: I think members would be better – to encourage membership.
Carol Lange: Experienced.
Pamela Necessary: I don’t have many members from my area. I am working on it.
Erinn Harris: Gotcha.
Chris Waugaman: Here are the dates for the next meetings (face to face) 🙂 Nov. 5th, March 10th, May 19th (Remember Second Saturdays and other events)
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: experienced–and do good stuff
Carol Lange: Membership can come later. Also, mentors may have been active in VAJTA and JEA once, but since retired, they are no longer members.
Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: is class over now??
Chris Waugaman: We might need to adjust Mar 10 – but I don’t know where we could move it (SIPA Mar 3rd – CSPA Mar 17th)
Chris Waugaman: Yes – see you at RPC and Nov 5th – thank you so much everyone
Fred Campbell from Salem: Bye
Erinn Harris: Bye guys!
Pamela Necessary: bye
VAJTA Board Meeting Minutes 5/24/11
Meeting was held online via website
05/24/2011 12:55:11: Chris Waugaman: Hi Lisa!
05/24/2011 12:55:21: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Hey, Chris!
05/24/2011 12:55:23: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: 🙂
05/24/2011 12:55:32: Chris Waugaman: Yay it works
05/24/2011 12:55:35: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Yay!
05/24/2011 12:55:43: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Is there audio?
05/24/2011 12:55:53: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Nevermind. I see there is…
05/24/2011 12:56:07: Chris Waugaman: I think so but I am at Starbucks – and the Beatles is blaring
05/24/2011 12:56:20: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Aha… so we’re just doing this via text?
05/24/2011 12:56:37: Chris Waugaman: I think so – if we want to do audio I will move outside
05/24/2011 12:56:41: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: sweet
05/24/2011 12:56:45: Chris Waugaman: Hi VAl
05/24/2011 12:56:58: valerie kibler from home: hey!
05/24/2011 12:57:02: valerie kibler from home: whew, just made it
05/24/2011 12:57:03: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Hey, Val.
05/24/2011 12:57:13: valerie kibler from home: hey lisa
05/24/2011 12:57:23: Chris Waugaman: Did your meeting go well Val?
05/24/2011 12:57:43: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I’m stepping out for 2 seconds… BRB
05/24/2011 12:57:48: valerie kibler from home: i left early, so i guess –
05/24/2011 12:57:50: Chris Waugaman: Ok
05/24/2011 12:57:55: valerie kibler from home: it was about plagiarism and cheating
05/24/2011 12:58:01: valerie kibler from home: do we have audio?
05/24/2011 12:58:04: Chris Waugaman: Oh – in AP?
05/24/2011 12:58:08: valerie kibler from home: in everything
05/24/2011 12:58:15: Chris Waugaman: Yes – we do have audio on the right.
05/24/2011 12:58:23: valerie kibler from home: but I spoke for AP
05/24/2011 12:58:42: valerie kibler from home: where on the right?
05/24/2011 12:58:48: valerie kibler from home: i don’t see it
05/24/2011 12:59:15: Chris Waugaman: I mean left
05/24/2011 13:00:22: valerie kibler from home: ok, so how do we use it
05/24/2011 13:00:25: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: I’m in. I have to leave at 4:30 though for my son’s soccer game.
05/24/2011 13:00:26: valerie kibler from home: i’m an idiot remember
05/24/2011 13:00:34: valerie kibler from home: hi charles
05/24/2011 13:00:53: Pam Necessary from Abingdon High School: I’m here, too.
05/24/2011 13:00:54: Erinn Harris from home: Oh wow! It’s like a chat room from the days of old 🙂 Hey guys!
05/24/2011 13:01:03: Chris Waugaman: I think we might just stick with text if that is ok
05/24/2011 13:01:08: valerie kibler from home: hey, Pam and crazy Erinn
05/24/2011 13:01:18: valerie kibler from home: ok
05/24/2011 13:01:37: Chris Waugaman: So we have a few here – Hi Charles, Erinn, Linda, Lisa and Pam
05/24/2011 13:02:17: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: Hey guys.
05/24/2011 13:02:45: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Back…
05/24/2011 13:02:48: valerie kibler from home: It’s good to have you Charles! We’ve been needing an administrative liaison for a while!
05/24/2011 13:03:15: Chris Waugaman: Yes – we have a principal 🙂
05/24/2011 13:03:23: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Who is Charles??Linda here– what’s up?
05/24/2011 13:03:54: Chris Waugaman: Hi Linda – Charles Stevens from Lee Davis High School has joined us as our Adminitstrative liason
05/24/2011 13:03:56: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: I’m an AP with Lee-Davis HS and a former ybk and newspaper teacher of 13 years.
05/24/2011 13:04:24: Chris Waugaman: Hi Meaghan!
05/24/2011 13:04:30: Chris Waugaman: I mean Meghan
05/24/2011 13:04:40: Chris Waugaman: Typing might be an issue
05/24/2011 13:04:46: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Sounds great– please send me your email and phone contacts for secretary’s records. Thanks
05/24/2011 13:04:53: Meghan Percival: Hi everybody!
05/24/2011 13:04:58: valerie kibler from home: hey, Meghan!
05/24/2011 13:05:08: valerie kibler from home: Linda, we have his info already
05/24/2011 13:05:11: Chris Waugaman: Well should we get started?
05/24/2011 13:05:16: valerie kibler from home: yep
05/24/2011 13:05:16: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: [email protected] (804) 723-2200
05/24/2011 13:05:43: Chris Waugaman: And by the way I am recording this – so we should get a text version of this for the minutes
05/24/2011 13:05:51: valerie kibler from home: smart
05/24/2011 13:06:03: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: OK re info– OK re start
05/24/2011 13:06:11: [Private Message to all Presenters] – Erinn Harris from home: We are fancy and tech savvy. I dig it.
05/24/2011 13:06:35: Chris Waugaman: Ok – so do we want to first vote to approve the minutes as posted on from March?
05/24/2011 13:06:58: valerie kibler from home: I sent a couple revisions to LInda personally
05/24/2011 13:07:05: valerie kibler from home: I don’t recall just what right this moment
05/24/2011 13:07:50: Chris Waugaman: And I think I may not have changed them yet… with the exception of those amendments can we vote?
05/24/2011 13:08:23: valerie kibler from home: I make a motion to approve the minutes as amended via emails
05/24/2011 13:08:30: Meghan Percival: I second
05/24/2011 13:08:31: Chris Waugaman: Second?
05/24/2011 13:08:41: Chris Waugaman: Quick on the draw Meghan
05/24/2011 13:08:54: Chris Waugaman: Ok – the mnutes are approved
05/24/2011 13:09:14: Chris Waugaman: Woops – any objections?
05/24/2011 13:09:25: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: wording re SIPA vs JEA paying re mentors and views of new adv. re joining groups like us.
05/24/2011 13:09:41: valerie kibler from home: yep, okay
05/24/2011 13:10:00: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: peachy
05/24/2011 13:10:34: Chris Waugaman: Ok – Val do you want to talk about the Treasurer’s report?
05/24/2011 13:10:43: valerie kibler from home: did you send it to everyone?
05/24/2011 13:10:58: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: I got it via email.
05/24/2011 13:10:59: Erinn Harris from home: I just got one in my email this second
05/24/2011 13:11:06: valerie kibler from home: ok, good
05/24/2011 13:11:09: Artise Gill: I am here
05/24/2011 13:11:13: valerie kibler from home: hey artise
05/24/2011 13:11:25: Artise Gill: hi val
05/24/2011 13:11:26: Chris Waugaman: Hi Artise – I think that was just the agenda – not the report
05/24/2011 13:11:34: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I only see an agenda that just popped in
05/24/2011 13:11:43: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I got the treasurer’s report, val
05/24/2011 13:11:43: valerie kibler from home: no, i just sent a treasurer’s report
05/24/2011 13:11:44: Erinn Harris from home: I just got an email from Val with an excel spreadsheet
05/24/2011 13:12:14: Chris Waugaman: Ok great
05/24/2011 13:12:16: valerie kibler from home: okay, well as you all get it, it should come soon – I”ll go over a few things
05/24/2011 13:12:24: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I got nuttin’ yet
05/24/2011 13:12:27: valerie kibler from home: first – it is the entire report from the year
05/24/2011 13:12:34: valerie kibler from home: it’s slower going to the older folks
05/24/2011 13:12:38: valerie kibler from home: you’ll get it soon
05/24/2011 13:13:09: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Watch the sass,kiddo!
05/24/2011 13:13:16: valerie kibler from home: you can see the entire breakdown for deposits etc for the last quarter
05/24/2011 13:13:36: valerie kibler from home: we currently have a balance of $9018.50
05/24/2011 13:14:00: valerie kibler from home: with the investment, a total of $19,107.20
05/24/2011 13:14:10: valerie kibler from home: the government bond lost money the first statement
05/24/2011 13:14:14: valerie kibler from home: but then regained some
05/24/2011 13:14:28: valerie kibler from home: I’m going to keep that in the far right column of the statement each meeting
05/24/2011 13:14:54: valerie kibler from home: most of the entries on the spread sheet are from jDay
05/24/2011 13:15:17: valerie kibler from home: I have a separate financial report for that which I’ll send momentariily (as soon as I finish this speed typing exercise)
05/24/2011 13:16:00: Chris Waugaman: So it looks like we at least gained $100 right?
05/24/2011 13:16:17: Chris Waugaman: Almost
05/24/2011 13:16:25: valerie kibler from home: on the government bond, yep
05/24/2011 13:16:51: Chris Waugaman: Is that what we expect or should we expect more?
05/24/2011 13:17:13: valerie kibler from home: well, we initially lost $50+, I freaked out and contacted LInda
05/24/2011 13:17:16: valerie kibler from home: she told me to cool it
05/24/2011 13:17:20: valerie kibler from home: and it would turn around
05/24/2011 13:17:22: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: It’s gonna vary from month to month, but with compounding, etc, and the no loss of invested funds, we’ll be Okey dokey
05/24/2011 13:17:22: valerie kibler from home: and it did
05/24/2011 13:17:57: Chris Waugaman: I mean if we can expect $1000 a year I feel that is good – but I am not a financial wiz
05/24/2011 13:18:02: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: Got the finacial report.
05/24/2011 13:18:20: Chris Waugaman: Are you getting reports monthly?
05/24/2011 13:18:33: valerie kibler from home: we are getting regular statements
05/24/2011 13:18:37: valerie kibler from home: I don’t think they will be monthly
05/24/2011 13:18:40: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: No. This was the first one I’ve gotten.
05/24/2011 13:19:11: Erinn Harris from home: I think they’re talking about the government bond statement 🙂
05/24/2011 13:19:18: valerie kibler from home: treasurer’s report, yea – I’m talking about getting financial statements from Edward Jones
05/24/2011 13:19:23: valerie kibler from home: yep, go Erinn
05/24/2011 13:19:32: valerie kibler from home: it’s hard to do this without reactions
05/24/2011 13:19:40: valerie kibler from home: who is going to understand my smartass remarks?
05/24/2011 13:19:47: Chris Waugaman: Ok – so are there any questions about the report?
05/24/2011 13:19:51: Artise Gill: I can
05/24/2011 13:19:56: valerie kibler from home: thanks!
05/24/2011 13:19:59: Erinn Harris from home: I will. I have smartass ESP.
05/24/2011 13:20:05: Chris Waugaman: I can still appreciate it
05/24/2011 13:20:12: valerie kibler from home: i knew i could count on you guys
05/24/2011 13:20:19: valerie kibler from home: and I know Linda speaks the same language
05/24/2011 13:20:26: Artise Gill: 🙂
05/24/2011 13:20:43: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: looks like we made a profit on workshop. Great Job Val!!
05/24/2011 13:20:49: valerie kibler from home: ok, so Chris needs a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report
05/24/2011 13:20:52: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: Looks like we’re all familiar with one another.
05/24/2011 13:20:58: valerie kibler from home: we will get to that – yes we did
05/24/2011 13:21:07: valerie kibler from home: we are – Charles, you’ll fit right in!
05/24/2011 13:21:16: Meghan Percival: So impressed with the profit on J-Day – Incredible work Val!
05/24/2011 13:21:37: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: move to accept treas. rept.
05/24/2011 13:21:40: Chris Waugaman: Thanks VAL – and yes very impressed with profit on JDAY – I would have been content with taking a loss this year
05/24/2011 13:21:44: Erinn Harris from home: second
05/24/2011 13:21:57: valerie kibler from home: I vote aye on the treasurer’s report!
05/24/2011 13:22:06: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: aye
05/24/2011 13:22:11: Pam Necessary from Abingdon High School: aye
05/24/2011 13:22:12: Chris Waugaman: All in favor?
05/24/2011 13:22:12: Erinn Harris from home: aye
05/24/2011 13:22:15: Meghan Percival: aye
05/24/2011 13:22:21: Artise Gill: I haven’t gotten to the T report yet. What was the profit? aye
05/24/2011 13:22:29: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: aye
05/24/2011 13:22:37: valerie kibler from home: profit for jDay is $1557.64
05/24/2011 13:22:43: Artise Gill: sweet
05/24/2011 13:22:47: valerie kibler from home: and we weren’t expecting to make any
05/24/2011 13:22:52: valerie kibler from home: our goal was to break even
05/24/2011 13:22:58: Chris Waugaman: Any opposed?
05/24/2011 13:23:28: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: moving right along
05/24/2011 13:23:30: Chris Waugaman: Ok – treasurer report passes
05/24/2011 13:23:49: Chris Waugaman: I guess do we need to go back and have ayes? for the minutes?
05/24/2011 13:23:56: Meghan Percival: aye
05/24/2011 13:23:57: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: aye
05/24/2011 13:23:59: Erinn Harris from home: aye
05/24/2011 13:24:01: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: aye
05/24/2011 13:24:01: Pam Necessary from Abingdon High School: aye
05/24/2011 13:24:03: valerie kibler from home: aye
05/24/2011 13:24:31: Chris Waugaman: Any opposed for the minutes with amendments?
05/24/2011 13:24:46: Chris Waugaman: Ok – so that passed too
05/24/2011 13:24:56: Chris Waugaman: Item number three on the agenda
05/24/2011 13:25:11: Chris Waugaman: VHSL report
05/24/2011 13:25:25: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: As far as the Savedge goes, I sent a notice on that a couple weeks ago…
05/24/2011 13:25:32: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Brynna Heflin of Centreville HS was the winner.
05/24/2011 13:25:41: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: I got the info.
05/24/2011 13:25:42: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: She will receive her award and scholarship presented on June 7
05/24/2011 13:25:47: Chris Waugaman: Yes I got the info
05/24/2011 13:25:50: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Congrats to them.
05/24/2011 13:26:05: valerie kibler from home: Did the judges name and 2nd or 3rd places this year?
05/24/2011 13:26:13: valerie kibler from home: sometimes they have in the past
05/24/2011 13:26:16: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: No 2nd or 3rds, but…
05/24/2011 13:26:18: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Hold on…
05/24/2011 13:26:42: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: No 2nds or 3rds…
05/24/2011 13:26:49: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: But there was a student that was from Robinson
05/24/2011 13:26:57: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: who gave Brynna a run for 1st…
05/24/2011 13:27:03: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: They decided to just award one
05/24/2011 13:27:18: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: So Brynna was the selection.
05/24/2011 13:27:52: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: That’s it for JOY unless there are any questions…
05/24/2011 13:27:55: Chris Waugaman: Great – will there be someone taking pictures at the ceremony so we can post to VAJTA
05/24/2011 13:28:08: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Chris, I can certainly ask that they do so.
05/24/2011 13:28:14: Chris Waugaman: That would be great
05/24/2011 13:28:21: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: It’llbe just me, and I’ll be presenting, so I’ll ask someone from the school to do it.
05/24/2011 13:28:28: valerie kibler from home: Has VHSL released achievment award winners yet?
05/24/2011 13:28:29: Chris Waugaman: Ok
05/24/2011 13:28:36: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Yes!
05/24/2011 13:28:46: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Chris, may I answer or is that out of order?
05/24/2011 13:28:49: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Oops
05/24/2011 13:28:59: Chris Waugaman: Go ahead
05/24/2011 13:29:02: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Cool
05/24/2011 13:29:07: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Yes, that ceremony was last Monday.
05/24/2011 13:29:11: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: Sorry guys. I have to head out for a soccer game at 5 p.m. at another school. Please continue to forward the information to my email. I will share some thoughts with you via Chris and Valeria. Thanks for all the good work you all do.
05/24/2011 13:29:26: valerie kibler from home: bye, Charles!
05/24/2011 13:29:35: Meghan Percival: bye Chuck!
05/24/2011 13:29:36: Chris Waugaman: Ok Charles – next meeting is in August – we hope you can be there
05/24/2011 13:29:42: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I thought a blast went out on those selections, but maybe not since you’re asking. I can send it out after this meeting.
05/24/2011 13:29:45: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Bye, Charles.
05/24/2011 13:29:45: Charles Stevens from Lee-Davis: I’ve got it on my calendar
05/24/2011 13:30:01: Erinn Harris from home: Peace out, Chuck.
05/24/2011 13:30:41: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: do you men the schools winning wards etc–I go the blast a while back– Or was that Wachovia??
05/24/2011 13:30:50: valerie kibler from home: that was Wachovia
05/24/2011 13:30:55: Chris Waugaman: I think that was Wachovia
05/24/2011 13:31:04: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Ok… then I’ll need to send a blast on Achievement.
05/24/2011 13:31:11: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I can do that as soon as I get off here.
05/24/2011 13:31:13: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Thanks.
05/24/2011 13:31:18: valerie kibler from home: okie dokie
05/24/2011 13:31:36: valerie kibler from home: plus, i want to throw in about Wachovia since we’re here
05/24/2011 13:31:37: Chris Waugaman: Ok – did you want to say anything about Jostens/VHSL since Martha is not here
05/24/2011 13:31:40: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Congrats H’burg, BTW on the Wachovia Cup! Woohoo!
05/24/2011 13:31:45: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Sure can…
05/24/2011 13:31:51: Erinn Harris from home: Woo hoo indeed, Val!
05/24/2011 13:31:51: Artise Gill: I have to go too. My daughter’s last spring concert. She’s graduating from high school and will attend Mary Washington in the fall. Chris, where can I see the rest of the Webinar?
05/24/2011 13:31:53: valerie kibler from home: my NEW principal and NEW superintendent
05/24/2011 13:32:00: valerie kibler from home: all came to every teacher’s room personally
05/24/2011 13:32:05: valerie kibler from home: about Wachovia
05/24/2011 13:32:09: valerie kibler from home: and they have gone APE
05/24/2011 13:32:09: Chris Waugaman: I will send you an email after it is over
05/24/2011 13:32:09: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: that’s awesome val
05/24/2011 13:32:19: valerie kibler from home: I’m telling ya, these principals care a TON
05/24/2011 13:32:20: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: everyone was excited about that
05/24/2011 13:32:23: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: YAY!
05/24/2011 13:32:27: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Glad to hear it.
05/24/2011 13:32:29: Meghan Percival: Yay!
05/24/2011 13:32:30: Chris Waugaman: That’s great
05/24/2011 13:32:34: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: 🙂
05/24/2011 13:32:35: valerie kibler from home: they are as competitive as we are!
05/24/2011 13:32:39: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: ha ha!
05/24/2011 13:32:41: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Great job
05/24/2011 13:32:51: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: ok… RPC?
05/24/2011 13:32:55: valerie kibler from home: yep
05/24/2011 13:32:57: Chris Waugaman: I wish our principals cared more about it – Wachovia Cup is awesome!
05/24/2011 13:33:05: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: 🙁
05/24/2011 13:33:12: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: ok..;
05/24/2011 13:33:14: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: as for the rpc
05/24/2011 13:33:23: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: We haven’t sent anything out yet because
05/24/2011 13:33:32: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: venues for NoVa have been difficult to book
05/24/2011 13:33:39: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: given our size
05/24/2011 13:33:45: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: and lack of hotel rooms
05/24/2011 13:33:50: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: needed
05/24/2011 13:33:59: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I’m going to look at a venue Thursday
05/24/2011 13:34:03: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: and hope to secure it
05/24/2011 13:34:09: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: if it suits our needs
05/24/2011 13:34:20: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: If that happens, we can start sending out Save the Date notices and so forth
05/24/2011 13:34:26: Chris Waugaman: Are the dates still the first week of October?
05/24/2011 13:34:31: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Tentatively
05/24/2011 13:34:37: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: translate rpc?? Is that Jostens / championship??
05/24/2011 13:34:50: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: we were actually looking at dropping the monday and having it on Saturday instead because of lack of venue
05/24/2011 13:34:52: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: but
05/24/2011 13:35:35: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: it looks like we’ll have the m, w, f on oct 3, 5, 7 as planned if this one that i’m looking at thursday is secured
05/24/2011 13:35:45: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: rpc = regional publications championships
05/24/2011 13:36:08: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: thanks– such fun with initials! 🙂
05/24/2011 13:36:14: valerie kibler from home: any speakers secured yet?
05/24/2011 13:36:15: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: if all goes according to plan, it will be nova on october 3
05/24/2011 13:36:22: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: roanoke on october 5
05/24/2011 13:36:26: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: and richmond on october 7
05/24/2011 13:36:32: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: martha has a list of speakers…
05/24/2011 13:36:42: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: sorry
05/24/2011 13:36:48: valerie kibler from home: that’s okay
05/24/2011 13:36:54: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: i can try to pull that for you and come back, but i don’t have it handy right now
05/24/2011 13:37:04: valerie kibler from home: i’m sure they will be strong
05/24/2011 13:37:06: valerie kibler from home: always are
05/24/2011 13:37:14: Chris Waugaman: That’s ok – I am sure Martha will send it to us soon
05/24/2011 13:37:16: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: because of not knowing about the first date, we’ve got some tentatives, but there’s a solid group who’ve agreed
05/24/2011 13:37:43: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: regardless of date
05/24/2011 13:37:51: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: anything else on rpc?
05/24/2011 13:38:13: Chris Waugaman: Can we promote JDAY with fliers, etc again this year
05/24/2011 13:38:50: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I can speak with Ken about that, but the feeling is no.
05/24/2011 13:39:19: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Again, not that we don’t support journalism education, but it is still considered a competitive event.
05/24/2011 13:40:00: Meghan Percival: I guess I’m out of the loop – competitive with what?
05/24/2011 13:40:22: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: we just got a tornado watch warning from weather radio– can we hurry this along??
05/24/2011 13:40:44: valerie kibler from home: take your laptop to the bathtub
05/24/2011 13:40:46: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: In brief, the VHSL programs are targeted toward students.
05/24/2011 13:41:06: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: The VHSL believes that the VAJTA audience is advisers.
05/24/2011 13:41:15: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: funny–I’m on desk top.
05/24/2011 13:41:16: Meghan Percival: Isn;t it their teachers / advisers that will take them to the event?
05/24/2011 13:41:18: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: When we work to those ends, our partnership does not conflict.
05/24/2011 13:41:38: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: But if there are events that serve students, then it is a conflicting event.
05/24/2011 13:41:52: valerie kibler from home: Any time any of us can serve students, we should be
05/24/2011 13:42:03: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: This position was decided a year ago.
05/24/2011 13:42:05: valerie kibler from home: and to say it is competitive implies that we’re taking money away from VHSL
05/24/2011 13:42:10: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Supported by SPAC
05/24/2011 13:42:11: valerie kibler from home: I know, just so they all know
05/24/2011 13:42:15: Chris Waugaman: ok – well this was a point of difference before so let us move on
05/24/2011 13:42:26: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: I don’t think this is the venue for discussion or changing that opinion
05/24/2011 13:42:34: valerie kibler from home: it’s not
05/24/2011 13:42:46: Chris Waugaman: Do we need to know anything else about the Writing/Photo/Design contest coming up?
05/24/2011 13:43:07: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Dont think so, other than the due dare.
05/24/2011 13:43:08: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: date
05/24/2011 13:43:14: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: no new categories
05/24/2011 13:43:19: valerie kibler from home: will judging be on Aug 6?
05/24/2011 13:43:21: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: so everything’s the same
05/24/2011 13:43:25: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: august 13th
05/24/2011 13:43:26: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: isn’t it?
05/24/2011 13:43:49: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: i showed the vajta meeting on the 13th
05/24/2011 13:43:50: Chris Waugaman: Which date works better?
05/24/2011 13:43:57: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: well, i reserved the 13th
05/24/2011 13:44:07: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: could probably change to the 6th…
05/24/2011 13:44:09: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Minutes say 20th!!
05/24/2011 13:44:10: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: hold on a sec
05/24/2011 13:44:12: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: lol
05/24/2011 13:44:21: valerie kibler from home: agenda says 6
05/24/2011 13:44:42: Chris Waugaman: I just put the first weekend in Aug due to the fact that so many go back early now
05/24/2011 13:44:58: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: my computer’s slow
05/24/2011 13:45:02: valerie kibler from home: 6 works for me – we need to make sure we can get more people there to judge
05/24/2011 13:45:02: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: trying to check what we have on the form
05/24/2011 13:45:08: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: yaeh–maybe so, but he put 20th on his last agenda–that’s where I got 20th from
05/24/2011 13:45:16: Meghan Percival: entry form says 13th
05/24/2011 13:45:18: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: our form does say the 13th
05/24/2011 13:45:40: Chris Waugaman: Ok – the 13th is fine – just so that we don’t have only 6 people judging again that was rough
05/24/2011 13:45:48: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: well, i can solicit
05/24/2011 13:45:55: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: have no problem doing that
05/24/2011 13:46:27: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: then must come up with strong lure to get folks out on whatever August date :)–Money? Booze?
05/24/2011 13:46:29: Chris Waugaman: Ok – so we will say the 13th – the only problem is I have a wedding that day
05/24/2011 13:46:32: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: i’ll send a blast on that with the achievement when i get off here
05/24/2011 13:46:38: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: booze!
05/24/2011 13:46:54: valerie kibler from home: i’m out of town, too
05/24/2011 13:46:59: Erinn Harris from home: I won’t be there either – I’m at the beach that whole week. Saturday to Saturday.
05/24/2011 13:47:06: Meghan Percival: I’ll be out of town on the 13th – sorry
05/24/2011 13:47:09: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: so that’s the 6th and 13th?
05/24/2011 13:47:12: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: or 13th and 20th?
05/24/2011 13:47:17: Erinn Harris from home: 13th and 20th for me
05/24/2011 13:47:18: Chris Waugaman: Do we want to say the 20th as a contingency plan?
05/24/2011 13:47:30: valerie kibler from home: I’d prefer the 6th
05/24/2011 13:47:37: Chris Waugaman: Or the 6th?
05/24/2011 13:47:38: valerie kibler from home: since school will have started
05/24/2011 13:47:49: Meghan Percival: I could do the 20th (not the 6th – sorry!)
05/24/2011 13:47:52: Erinn Harris from home: I’ve got a wedding that weekend. I’m also a pain.
05/24/2011 13:47:59: valerie kibler from home: lol
05/24/2011 13:47:59: Erinn Harris from home: The weekend of the 6th that is.
05/24/2011 13:48:03: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: there’s no date that will work for everyone i’m sure
05/24/2011 13:48:04: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Good grief! Pick one soon– My head is swimming!!
05/24/2011 13:48:08: Chris Waugaman: Ok – well I will email everyone on that one – to be decided
05/24/2011 13:48:14: valerie kibler from home: that’s the drinks talking linda
05/24/2011 13:48:24: Chris Waugaman: Let’s go to JDAY
05/24/2011 13:48:25: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: ^5
05/24/2011 13:48:28: valerie kibler from home: lol
05/24/2011 13:48:31: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: haven’t had them yet!
05/24/2011 13:48:40: valerie kibler from home: you’ll need ’em!
05/24/2011 13:48:43: valerie kibler from home: okay, jDay
05/24/2011 13:48:47: valerie kibler from home: I emailed that report
05/24/2011 13:48:50: Chris Waugaman: Valerie do you want to give us a run down – I had a blast and I think the kids did too
05/24/2011 13:49:02: Erinn Harris from home: I definitely had fun. And the food was INCREDIBLE.
05/24/2011 13:49:06: valerie kibler from home: I will forward the evaluations
05/24/2011 13:49:12: valerie kibler from home: i thought they were very thorough
05/24/2011 13:49:19: valerie kibler from home: gave a lot of good suggestions
05/24/2011 13:49:28: valerie kibler from home: we originally budgeted for 80 people
05/24/2011 13:49:33: Meghan Percival: The event was incredible
05/24/2011 13:49:34: valerie kibler from home: ended up having 99 paying people
05/24/2011 13:49:38: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: what a nifty school, and great kids who worked it
05/24/2011 13:49:38: valerie kibler from home: and 41 speakers
05/24/2011 13:50:01: valerie kibler from home: I just think we need to do more promotion
05/24/2011 13:50:05: valerie kibler from home: as board members
05/24/2011 13:50:07: valerie kibler from home: in our areas
05/24/2011 13:50:16: valerie kibler from home: realizing we are always going to have conflicts
05/24/2011 13:50:31: valerie kibler from home: I think we have different folks who attended
05/24/2011 13:50:37: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: yrbk reps said they’d promote it after seeing what a class act it was
05/24/2011 13:50:38: Chris Waugaman: I really think the date is the biggest obstacle
05/24/2011 13:50:38: Meghan Percival: Can we also look at a date that is not the weekend before the APs? Lots of review sessions and exams in my neck of the woods
05/24/2011 13:50:39: valerie kibler from home: from all other events offered in the state
05/24/2011 13:50:50: Erinn Harris from home: Ditto Meghan.
05/24/2011 13:51:01: valerie kibler from home: I can offer April 20-21
05/24/2011 13:51:07: valerie kibler from home: if we go back to Harrisonburg
05/24/2011 13:51:23: valerie kibler from home: that’s at least 2 weeks prior to APs beginning
05/24/2011 13:51:27: Chris Waugaman: April is such a dangerous month (prom, spring break, etc.)
05/24/2011 13:51:32: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: how does Easter fall next spring?? that made a difference I think
05/24/2011 13:51:37: valerie kibler from home: it’s earlier
05/24/2011 13:51:41: Chris Waugaman: It is earlier
05/24/2011 13:51:43: valerie kibler from home: like first weekend in april
05/24/2011 13:51:44: valerie kibler from home: i think
05/24/2011 13:52:00: Meghan Percival: Easter = April 8
05/24/2011 13:52:00: Chris Waugaman: April 15th
05/24/2011 13:52:08: Chris Waugaman: Oh sorry
05/24/2011 13:52:23: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: can’t be both!
05/24/2011 13:52:24: valerie kibler from home: the 15th would be Seattle for JEA/NSPA
05/24/2011 13:52:43: Meghan Percival: First weekend of April is FCPS spring break
05/24/2011 13:52:46: Chris Waugaman: Yup the 8th our spring break is from 6th – 15th
05/24/2011 13:53:12: Meghan Percival: FCPS = April 2-8
05/24/2011 13:53:25: valerie kibler from home: so does April 20-21 sound better?
05/24/2011 13:53:26: Chris Waugaman: Could we do this at the end of March?
05/24/2011 13:53:26: Erinn Harris from home: I can say that I would probably have kids go to JDAY next year. My regular convention attendees want to go to CSPA, so I can see them wanting to do something in April.
05/24/2011 13:53:30: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: sounds like 20 is good
05/24/2011 13:53:34: Erinn Harris from home: I like it.
05/24/2011 13:53:50: valerie kibler from home: SIPA and CSPA are both Marc
05/24/2011 13:53:55: valerie kibler from home: March
05/24/2011 13:53:56: Chris Waugaman: The 20th does give you good separation
05/24/2011 13:54:32: valerie kibler from home: I will say, too, that the people who came were from all over the state
05/24/2011 13:54:37: valerie kibler from home: from Va Beach to Abingdon
05/24/2011 13:54:41: valerie kibler from home: to NOVA
05/24/2011 13:54:50: valerie kibler from home: even had 2 kids come on their own from NOVA
05/24/2011 13:55:03: Chris Waugaman: Yes – go Oakton
05/24/2011 13:55:11: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: it’s 5 to 5 pm– roll along
05/24/2011 13:55:22: Meghan Percival: I will definetly organize a northern VA bus for next year!
05/24/2011 13:55:28: valerie kibler from home: okay!
05/24/2011 13:55:34: Chris Waugaman: Thanks Linda –
05/24/2011 13:55:39: Erinn Harris from home: Meghan’s good at organizing trips 🙂
05/24/2011 13:55:41: Chris Waugaman: Anything else about JDAY
05/24/2011 13:55:44: valerie kibler from home: I think we also need to promote broadcasting more
05/24/2011 13:55:57: valerie kibler from home: well, we need to decide if we want Harrisonburg again
05/24/2011 13:56:07: valerie kibler from home: otherwise, where it will go
05/24/2011 13:56:20: Meghan Percival: It was a beautiful site
05/24/2011 13:56:25: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Hey guys and gals, I need to bail. Will get the e-mail blasts out tomorrow. Chris, let me know about the August date.
05/24/2011 13:56:28: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I loved H’burg! easy to get to from all over-great school site, etc.
05/24/2011 13:56:42: Chris Waugaman: I am not sure about other options – unless a university is willing to get on board – George Mason was very enthused
05/24/2011 13:56:58: Chris Waugaman: Ok – thanks Lisa
05/24/2011 13:57:03: valerie kibler from home: I’d offer it might be good to get numbers up a little higher
05/24/2011 13:57:07: valerie kibler from home: before we go to a university
05/24/2011 13:57:09: Lisa Giles from Charlottesville: Peace.
05/24/2011 13:57:12: Chris Waugaman: Very true
05/24/2011 13:57:22: Meghan Percival: BTW – no SAT conflict if March 17 (there is a March 12 test administration)
05/24/2011 13:57:25: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: toodles
05/24/2011 13:57:43: valerie kibler from home: March 17 would be CSPA
05/24/2011 13:58:05: Meghan Percival: Oops – April – sorry. NO SAT CONFLICT in April!
05/24/2011 13:58:12: valerie kibler from home: GREAT!
05/24/2011 13:58:14: valerie kibler from home: woo hoo!
05/24/2011 13:58:27: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: next?
05/24/2011 13:58:33: Chris Waugaman: Ok – so lets stick to Harrisonburg April 20&21
05/24/2011 13:58:38: Chris Waugaman: JCAMP
05/24/2011 13:58:46: valerie kibler from home: you hit that
05/24/2011 13:58:59: Chris Waugaman: Last time I talked to Kelly on Monday she said we had 36 registrants
05/24/2011 13:59:18: Chris Waugaman: I asked her about the mailing but she didn’t reply to that question
05/24/2011 13:59:31: Chris Waugaman: Do we have a list of where people were from for last year VAL
05/24/2011 13:59:42: valerie kibler from home: nope, I don’t
05/24/2011 13:59:45: Chris Waugaman: I feel we need to contact those schools
05/24/2011 13:59:50: valerie kibler from home: that was there deal
05/24/2011 14:00:01: valerie kibler from home: Tech handled all of that, we set up classes
05/24/2011 14:00:13: valerie kibler from home: Kelly Furnas might have – but I doubt
05/24/2011 14:00:14: Chris Waugaman: Has Sue signed up from Stafford yet?
05/24/2011 14:00:23: Chris Waugaman: She is good for 10 usually
05/24/2011 14:00:25: valerie kibler from home: I don’t think she could get kids to go
05/24/2011 14:00:26: valerie kibler from home: this year
05/24/2011 14:00:28: valerie kibler from home: last i heard
05/24/2011 14:00:55: Chris Waugaman: I think the great think about the NOVA kids is that the schools paid for a lot of those kids to go
05/24/2011 14:01:30: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: action re JCamp? or move to next item?
05/24/2011 14:01:37: valerie kibler from home: I guess we’ll go with what she has, but when we meet there – we need to talk
05/24/2011 14:01:47: valerie kibler from home: because Tech has not handled this as well
05/24/2011 14:02:00: Chris Waugaman: Can we do a mailing on our own -like we did for the JDAY? Or is it too late to try to gather more kids?
05/24/2011 14:02:19: valerie kibler from home: we could email blast
05/24/2011 14:02:25: valerie kibler from home: and push website/facebook
05/24/2011 14:02:31: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: schools are closing VERY soon
05/24/2011 14:02:33: valerie kibler from home: mailing is $80+
05/24/2011 14:02:41: valerie kibler from home: HHS covered that last time
05/24/2011 14:02:44: valerie kibler from home: for jDay
05/24/2011 14:03:02: Chris Waugaman: ok – $80 is not much – I think VAJTA could cover that – if we believe in this
05/24/2011 14:03:39: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: have to grt it out post haste
05/24/2011 14:03:55: Erinn Harris from home: I’d be okay with that. When’s the registration deadline?
05/24/2011 14:04:04: valerie kibler from home: it’s past
05/24/2011 14:04:13: Chris Waugaman: The late one too?
05/24/2011 14:04:14: Erinn Harris from home: Bummer.
05/24/2011 14:04:31: valerie kibler from home: chris – can you talk to kelly and tell her to send out something and send us the bill if you want to try that?
05/24/2011 14:04:56: Chris Waugaman: Ok – I will do that – I can send a vote on the $80 through email if it comes to that
05/24/2011 14:05:13: valerie kibler from home: yea, it really should be paid for by Tech
05/24/2011 14:05:16: Chris Waugaman: Ok – since we are running a little longer than an hour – let’s move on
05/24/2011 14:05:19: valerie kibler from home: they have money in reserve
05/24/2011 14:05:25: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: it’s an operating expense– no sweat
05/24/2011 14:05:49: Chris Waugaman: I know – but what is that old saying – if you want something done…
05/24/2011 14:05:59: valerie kibler from home: yep
05/24/2011 14:06:06: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: get a woman at H’burg to do it!!
05/24/2011 14:06:14: valerie kibler from home: she is swamped right now
05/24/2011 14:06:15: Erinn Harris from home: HA!
05/24/2011 14:06:15: valerie kibler from home: sorry
05/24/2011 14:06:21: Erinn Harris from home: Great saying
05/24/2011 14:06:23: Chris Waugaman: As far as the web site – Erinn mentioned getting more board members to post plans and such
05/24/2011 14:06:27: valerie kibler from home: unless you moved to harrisonburg, linda?
05/24/2011 14:06:39: valerie kibler from home: that’s a good idea!
05/24/2011 14:06:42: Erinn Harris from home: Not just board members – but other advisers
05/24/2011 14:06:44: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: hate boxing up stuff–no move
05/24/2011 14:06:54: valerie kibler from home: even better, Erinn
05/24/2011 14:06:56: Erinn Harris from home: i wouldn’t mind being a nag and talking to advisers all over about posting
05/24/2011 14:07:00: Chris Waugaman: Do we want to ask for more plans that deal with the starting the year?
05/24/2011 14:07:03: Erinn Harris from home: if you invite people to write or submit, they’ll do it
05/24/2011 14:07:03: valerie kibler from home: there you go!
05/24/2011 14:07:06: Erinn Harris from home: we could do that
05/24/2011 14:07:12: valerie kibler from home: yes, they will
05/24/2011 14:07:15: valerie kibler from home: you go erinn!
05/24/2011 14:07:19: Erinn Harris from home: i was also thinking about “articles” about advising, working with kids
05/24/2011 14:07:21: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: good ideas
05/24/2011 14:07:31: Erinn Harris from home: Makes ’em feel special 🙂
05/24/2011 14:07:39: Chris Waugaman: And then promote it on facebook as we post – Erinn I will leave you in charge of that and resend you the directions on wordpress posting
05/24/2011 14:07:41: valerie kibler from home: we also need to do features on the girl who won JOY
05/24/2011 14:07:59: Chris Waugaman: Yes – are you presenting it in June still
05/24/2011 14:08:05: valerie kibler from home: I’m getting one done for our JOY winner
05/24/2011 14:08:18: Erinn Harris from home: Sounds good. If you guys could email me names of advisers in your areas that i can contact that would be great
05/24/2011 14:08:23: valerie kibler from home: yes, next week – next Wednesday if you still want to come over and present
05/24/2011 14:08:25: Chris Waugaman: Ok – I will get working back on the VAJTA site and have Erinn help
05/24/2011 14:08:25: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I’ve found with my volunteering in various places, an “all call” for help gets nuttin’. Asking individuals to do specifics gets you places
05/24/2011 14:08:32: Erinn Harris from home: I only know NoVA peeps
05/24/2011 14:08:43: valerie kibler from home: we have that big database
05/24/2011 14:08:46: valerie kibler from home: i can send ya
05/24/2011 14:08:47: valerie kibler from home: remind me
05/24/2011 14:08:50: valerie kibler from home: from all over the state
05/24/2011 14:09:09: Erinn Harris from home: Will do. I’ll start with the names i recognize and then when i ask them, i’ll ask if they know advisers who are good.
05/24/2011 14:09:13: Chris Waugaman: I thought we did a good job on the social media front for JDAY – we will continue to do more on that end
05/24/2011 14:09:18: Erinn Harris from home: Then maybe we can expand membership.
05/24/2011 14:09:22: valerie kibler from home: i think so, too
05/24/2011 14:09:28: valerie kibler from home: kids really tweeted
05/24/2011 14:09:38: Chris Waugaman: If you guys are doing anything special for yearbook distribution please take pics and post to our facebook as well
05/24/2011 14:09:46: Erinn Harris from home: Word.
05/24/2011 14:09:54: valerie kibler from home: to your momma
05/24/2011 14:09:56: Meghan Percival: I know the NOVA database will need some serious updating come the fall – lots of advisers leaving / moving. Do we have printed literature we can get in the hands of the newbies so they join VAJTA / JEA right away?
05/24/2011 14:10:14: valerie kibler from home: i will work on updating that asap
05/24/2011 14:10:24: Chris Waugaman: ooh printed literature – not that I know of
05/24/2011 14:10:24: valerie kibler from home: i need to turn some JEA attention to membership
05/24/2011 14:10:36: valerie kibler from home: I will make PDFs
05/24/2011 14:10:39: valerie kibler from home: we can print, too
05/24/2011 14:10:49: valerie kibler from home: we are going to have more free JEA memberships
05/24/2011 14:11:08: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: NEXT item?
05/24/2011 14:11:24: Chris Waugaman: We might need to skip Mentoring
05/24/2011 14:11:27: Meghan Percival: how should we go about distributing them? Let you know if we identify a good candidate?
05/24/2011 14:11:30: Chris Waugaman: Any new business?
05/24/2011 14:11:53: valerie kibler from home: every member will have one free, but if you have more than one, let me know
05/24/2011 14:11:58: valerie kibler from home: i think we can get all in right now
05/24/2011 14:12:03: Meghan Percival: ok!
05/24/2011 14:12:27: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: I sent the awards to the folks who were not at the jDay. Got response from one. VAl–I’ll send receipt for postage
05/24/2011 14:12:40: Chris Waugaman: Thank you Linda
05/24/2011 14:12:43: valerie kibler from home: okay
05/24/2011 14:12:57: Chris Waugaman: Still need to post those award winners on web site
05/24/2011 14:13:05: valerie kibler from home: yep
05/24/2011 14:13:27: Chris Waugaman: Anything else?
05/24/2011 14:13:47: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Meeting dates–Aug??, Nov 5, Mar 10– still OK??
05/24/2011 14:14:15: Chris Waugaman: Aug tbd – I will email everyone – I think the other ones are ok
05/24/2011 14:14:16: Meghan Percival: Thanks for trying the webinar! It sure beats 3 hours in the car!
05/24/2011 14:14:25: Erinn Harris from home: I probably won’t be able to do any weekend in August. AGREED, Meghan!
05/24/2011 14:14:26: valerie kibler from home: yes, it does
05/24/2011 14:14:33: Chris Waugaman: And it saved us a lot in gas
05/24/2011 14:14:33: valerie kibler from home: let’s figure out audio
05/24/2011 14:14:40: Erinn Harris from home: AGREED, Val!
05/24/2011 14:14:42: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Minutes say Nov12! Chris what’s with you and floating dates????
05/24/2011 14:14:44: valerie kibler from home: so i can hear tone
05/24/2011 14:14:49: valerie kibler from home: down girl
05/24/2011 14:14:51: Chris Waugaman: Yes – there may be another site that is better than this one
05/24/2011 14:14:52: valerie kibler from home: easy linda
05/24/2011 14:15:01: valerie kibler from home: we can practice between now and then
05/24/2011 14:15:18: Erinn Harris from home: Let’s have a webinar Happy Hour. THAT would be good practice.
05/24/2011 14:15:28: Chris Waugaman: I just thought we could get it away from Nov NSPA date
05/24/2011 14:15:31: valerie kibler from home: lord, this is why i love her
05/24/2011 14:15:32: Meghan Percival: I second that
05/24/2011 14:15:43: Chris Waugaman: I third that
05/24/2011 14:15:44: valerie kibler from home: but i have to pee so bad
05/24/2011 14:15:49: Erinn Harris from home: HA!!
05/24/2011 14:15:51: valerie kibler from home: we will have to take breaks
05/24/2011 14:16:29: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Still something to be said for face to face. And we lost several folks along the way– they can’t walk out from meetings so easily.
05/24/2011 14:16:43: Chris Waugaman: Also – we need to speak to Carol about the newseum/washington post dates for next year to – those may come in conflict with weekends
05/24/2011 14:16:55: valerie kibler from home: well, hers are second saturdays
05/24/2011 14:17:06: Chris Waugaman: Yes Linda – but we did have 10 people here
05/24/2011 14:17:10: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: S– what’s decision re Nov. date?? Now we have 2 to settle– Aug & Nov.
05/24/2011 14:17:21: Chris Waugaman: Nov 12 is fine
05/24/2011 14:17:37: Erinn Harris from home: I agree.
05/24/2011 14:18:03: valerie kibler from home: ok, we done?
05/24/2011 14:18:06: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: And you will let us know re August later, right?
05/24/2011 14:18:18: Chris Waugaman: yes – done and will let you know later
05/24/2011 14:18:21: Meghan Percival: Bye!
05/24/2011 14:18:28: Chris Waugaman: Thanks everyone! Bye
05/24/2011 14:18:29: valerie kibler from home: bye – nightie night everyone@
05/24/2011 14:18:32: Pam Necessary from Abingdon High School: Bye
05/24/2011 14:18:37: Erinn Harris from home: Peace.
05/24/2011 14:18:43: Linda Mercer from Halifax,VA: Happy trails!
VAJTA MINUTES March 12, 2011
Present: Fred Campbell, Valerie Kibler, Carol Lange, Meghan Percival, Pam Necessary,
Linda Mercer, Chris Waugaman, Charlotte Wood.
Director Chris Waugaman called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
Chris called on Meghan to introduce herself as the newest member of the board.
The secretary’s minutes were approved.
Valerie presented the treasurer’s report. To date, there is $19,800.81 in the treasury. $10,000 will be invested with Edward Jones investments. With a $500 deposit too late to post, this leaves approx. $10,000 liquid to function with.
Val also reported that in Virginia there are 102 JEA members, 70+ VAJTA members, and 60+ who belong to both organizations.
Carol asked why we didn’t have at least 80 new members based on the free JEA offer–if we had over 80 current members and each gave a free membership to a person. Charlotte said that the other advisers in her school just won’t seek help or join anything.Others agreed this was the case elsewhere as well.
Chris suggested that the offer might do better in the fall when school is starting.
Val said new advisers just do not see any benefit in joining organizations.
The treasurer’s report was accepted.
There was no VHSL report since Lisa was away at the state basketball tournament.
Chris wondered why there had been no deadline announcement for the Savedge Award materials in February.
Chris reported that the web site is updated and he has paid for a 1 year renewal. The Facebook page is getting viewers and friends–approx. 80 so far.
Carol reported on mentoring. She would like someone else to take it over as she has too much to handle right now.
Val offered the idea of going with the JEA mentoring model which would mean only 2 advisers would be mentored a year. JEA would pay 1/2 the cost of $5,000. Carol responded that we had the better, broader coverage–10+ mentees–doing it our way. It’s just that help in overseeing the program is needed.
Chris asked if any particular areas of the state were more needy than others. It seems equal.
Carol then suggested having webinars so that an expert would only need to do one session. This seemed a possibility.
Val suggested even having board meetings in webinar form at least sometimes.
Pam asked how to reach schools in deep SW Virginia for mentoring or any help.
It was suggested that Mary Kay Downes might pick up the mentoring leadership.
Val reported that there were three entires in the JEA Journalist of the Year contest. The winner would be determined after judging at the end of the meeting.
Meghan asked how students could see examples of winning entries to get an idea of how to prepare their materials. There was a discussion of various portfolios. Val said some might be able to be put on the website.
JCamp– speakers are scheduled, now we are awaiting registrations. $450 early registration ends April 15. The camp will be July 24-28. College students will asist instructors.
The strands include–photography, feature/news writing, literary magazine, on line and sports writing, design–beginner and advanced, advising, editorial leadership, advanced writing–esp. for editors.
Costs may cause a move to another site in another year. Carol suggested asking Tech to earmark 2 scholarships to the camp for SW Virginia students. Pam could then maybe push some to attend. Val will check into it.
Spring jDay–April 29-30, 2011. Val went over the session schedule and asked for any corrections to be noted.
Carol questioned having Write-Offs opposite sessions but there was no other slot for them.
Linda and Pam discussed advisers’ lunch decor, gifts, etc.
Linda reminded the group we can advertise attendance at jDay to advisers with the lure of recertification points.
Linda presented a nomination for an award and, after reading the nomination, the group voted to approve the award. She will get the plaque, etc.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m
Next meetings will be May 21, Aug. 20, Nov. 12.
Present: Fred Campbell, Valerie Penton, Linda Mercer, Erinn Harris, Chris Waugaman, Martha Akers, Charlotte Wood, Jeanne Hobbs, Jan Barrett, Carol Lange.
Director Chris Waugaman called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. and introduced the new members.
Linda reviewed the minutes of the last meeting which had been emailed to all. They were approved unanimously.
Val passed out the treasurer’s report which reported a balance of $18,779.81 after deposits of $1,8896 and expenses of $1,590.90.
Val reported there are 94 JEA members, 72 VAJTA members, and 57 combined members.
The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
Val told the board that only a few board members had completed the adviser name and contact updates which were assigned in the summer. She asked those who had not turned the information in to do so quickly so contact can be made across the state.
JEA elections have Megan Percival on the ballot for Regional Director.
Carol gave her mentorship report. She presented a list of potential new mentors. She asked if the guidelines could be changed to allow a mentor to work with only one mentee rather than two. Martha moved to so alter the mentor rules. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
Lisa presented the VHSL report. Thirty-six advisers took the rules clinic in person, 9 did the webinar, 200 worked on line. She reminded the board that VHSL has made it a yearly requirement of all advisers who wish to have their publications judged.
Lisa shared a sheet about the various VHSL contests. There was discussion of the format to be used for submission. SPAC had considered DVDs and PDFs but felt this would only be used for the awards ceremony and that items needed to be seen by the judges in their original formats. The board agreed.
There was discussion of posting examples of winners on the VHSL web site for advisers and staffs to see good work. It was agreed that this would be a good idea if comments on why the example was good were included. This concept will continue to be developed.
Lisa shared infor mation about the sports feature writing contest. There were 14 volleyball entries and 8 football entries. Field hockey and Cheer will be added next year. Eligibility has been expanded to all interested students, not just publications staffers.
The evaluation booklets will be electronically interactive for judges effective immediately.
SPAC did not support a request for judges to be required to sign evaluations, but the list of judges will be provided in RPC slide show and in criteria booklet. SPAC did not support Writing,Photo, Design contest as a championship.
Chris asked about the financing of the Savedge Award and the Journalist of the Year Award which used to to be supported from registrations for championship workshop. Martha responded that Josten’s is giving $3 per regional registration to the Savedge Award which this year equaled $2,100.
Martha reported that the Regional Publications Championship Workshops had 333 at Dulles, 169 at Roanoke,and 267 at Richmond for a total of 769. Next year there will be three fee choices– $35 lunch only, $45 sessions only, $55 whole day.
Val asked that the Savedge Award be given at the VAJTA’s spring jDay event. Martha reacted to this by saying she has a problem with jday. She sees it as a conflict with RPCworkshops and activities of VHSL. Martha sees VAJTA as an advisers organization and that it is taking away from a focus on advisers to have student oriented programs. She will help with the spring 2011 event, but is not happy with it.
Val agreed with Martha that she would like to see someone else provide such an event, but jDay is an attempt to replace the lost Championship Workshop. It aligns with many other states who hold spring conferences. Val would like to see VHSL have such a program again. We are scheduled to hold the April jDay this coming year. She would love to see the league do it after that. She listed some program highlights.
Martha countered Val’s statement. The League barely had time to do anything after the Championship was canceled.
Lisa asked if this was about the cancellation of Championship 2009, due to JEA coming to DC at nearly the same time. She said Championship does exist–in three parts–The RPC’s sponsored by Jostens.
Charlotte said she knows of many advisers who will not attend a Jostens sponsored event.
Lisa said few advisers told her this was a factor. She reiterated, RPC events equal VHSL Championship. The spring event was canceled due to low participation. It was not financially possible to have it.
Val suggested that VHSL joining the spring jDay would be a great way to work together since VHSL would not have a financial responsibility.
Val reminded everyone that at jCamp, Tech does the student part, and VAJTA does the adviser part. She urged Lisa to consider VHSL being part of jDay.
Val shared the jDay sponsor/exhibition flier which will go to yearbook companies and others.
The initial plan is for 70 sessions, so there is a need for more speakers. Val made a motion that speakers be paid $15 per session. Martha amended the motion to say that speakers could donate the fee back to VAJTA or SPLC. The amended motion passed unanimously.
Chris suggested presenting the Journalist of the Year at jDay so winner would be seen by peers.
Carol asked if we would be inviting Maryland and DC folks to participate in jDay. Val said yes.
Chris shared the Face book report. 100 folks friended us. The web page will be updated. Some board members are uploading lessons to our site. More should do so.
Carol said we need to look at the board members as a resource to advisers in their regions. She asked if the board were willing to have their names listed on the VA map in regions.
Erinn will send Chris a list of schools who are fans of various publication pages on Face book.
Chris and Val shared jCamp 2011 information–dates are July 24-28. The cost will be $450 for early registration due by April 15. Registration forms are already on line.
The JEA/JOY applications for state are online at Savedge Award deadline is March 1.
JEA/NSPA fall convention returns to DC in 2014.
MARCH 12, MAY 21, AUG. 20.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Mercer, secretary