Seattle: Journalism Quiz Bowl Online Qualifiers

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IT’S THIS WEEK! March 20-24 – Now is your chance to see how well your student teams of four will fare against each other AND get hyped for the upcoming JEA Quiz Bowl in Seattle!

We’re hoping that you and your students will jump for joy at the chance to use the online Quiz Bowl quiz to get excited about current events, journalism terminology, civics and general knowledge facts.

What does this mean?

  • It means that we are opening up the free online quiz again – March 20-24.
  • It also means that you can still qualify one or more teams to compete in the National Quiz Bowl at the Seattle Convention next month!
  • And it means that you can use this quiz to “trick” your students into studying current events and journalism terminology so they can compete in teams. (I *can* email you each group’s score on the quiz.)

Step 1: Advisers can enroll teams of four to take this online quiz by going to:

https://canvas.instructure. com/enroll/H6NJ6J

Teams of four students max will take this online, pre-qualifying quiz — it’s 30 questions, can be taken anytime between March 20-24, 2017, but must be done in one sitting and is timed (20 min. or less), and may only be taken once per team.

It is free to take this online quiz. You may enroll teams in the course now. Each team will need to be enrolled with a separate email address.

Teams with top scores will be notified through their adviser within a week of the exam closing date and will need to respond within two weeks to hold their spot in the live competition at the national convention. All qualifying teams will be recognized on the JEA website and various social media outlets.

Step 2: If notified, you may register your teams to compete onsite at this spring’s JEA/NSPA Convention, and registration is $50/team.

At the convention, these registered teams will then take a pre-qualifying test with pencil and paper on the Friday of the convention at 8 a.m. Based on the results of that test, the TOP 16 teams will go on to the exciting Buzzer Rounds, which are the following morning (Saturday) at the convention, and vie for the #1 spot, bragging rights and a big trophy.

More details online at: National Journalism Quiz Bowl